help! family mbr reading my 3 yr old My Book of Bible Stories

by limbogirl 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • limbogirl

    jgnat: thank you! you always seem to have wonderful insight and advice. I really appreciate your posts. I definitely don't put my son in the middle and I try to be very neutral and not show a lot of emotion around what he shares about dad and dad's family -- which is why this took me by surprise --we're sitting down playing with play-doh and all of a sudden he's asking me if I'm dying like jesus!! (the night before he was pretending his popsicle stick was a cigarette so he's not fully indoctrinated as a jw yet. smile) I'll have to think about how to speak with his dad about this...I've brought it up a few times -- we both agree that there is no way he will be raised a jw, however, my ex isn't opposed to his being exposed to the jw viewpoint. I think it's harmful...I don't even want him looking at that creepy "artwork" in the jw publications.

  • limbogirl

    Hi SK: glad to know I'm not alone here. I think I'm going to look into finding some kind of church or group where my son can learn about these topics in a more gentle, normal manner. He's apparently been taught about God and that God made the earth, flowers, trees, etc and he quizzes me constantly on this topic. "does God make me? does he make you? does he make cars?" and on and on. I don't want to inflict my own indifference on him -- I wish I had been raised in a religion that allowed me to understand God and Jesus without all the violence and other rubbish. One thing I'm doing to counter jw life is to really embrace tradition and celebration with my son -- something I didn't have growing up.

  • wanda

    I tried to post this in a new string by itself but it wouldn't post for some reason. So here it is (I hope):

  • limbogirl

    Hi Wanda...still didn't post. I would love to check this out! thanks!

  • wanda

    Please email me directly at [email protected]. That way you will get a copy for sure.

  • MinisterAmos

    Be careful that you don´t start using your kiddo as a pawn against the Dubz. What you should do, is to BANG on Auntie´s front door and explain to her in your best she'wolf voice that if she ever gets near your kiddo again with Dub material you will make sure she never sees him again.

    Then apply for a restraining order on the basis that she is attempting to inculcate in him cultish ideas.

    Even if it isn´t granted you´ll stink up the joint enough that they´ll get the message.

  • misspeaches

    I completely understand your concern. We have a similar situation in our family. My sister has a 4 year old girl and our JW mum has been reading to her from the bible stories book and the new great teacher book. Personally I don't think she should be. I had a quick glance at the new Great Teacher book and there is two chapteres devoted to who your friends should be. Including how if your friends don't go to the meetings etc etc then they shouldn't be your friends. Crap like that. Also how true friends of Jehovah will be JWs.. (round about summation). Now how is this going to affect a little girl? Is she going to have to continue to be subjected to this stuff? Will she grow up thinking that there is something wrong with her parents & siblings, aunts & uncles because they 'turned away from Jehovah'? I just don't like it at all.

  • limbogirl

    yikes! there's a new great teacher book? that will be next. I just checked my calendar and it turns out that my son is with me on memorial night...thank goodness or else I'm sure the ex would allow him to go with his grandparents.

  • bikerchic

    limbogirl I agree jgnat gave excellent advise, she always does!

    Finally, when your son reaches the age of reason teach him to reason things out for himself. This will be at about age six or so. You'll know because he'll start negotiating better terms for bedtime.

    I'm convinced that the best inoculation against the cults is to teach our children to reason things out for themselves. No longer will they believe anything they read or hear on television. Here's some (dorky) resources geared for children.

    The only other thing I will add to that is at a certain age probably pre-teen your son won't want to even be seen with most JW kids let alone be one, they are just so uncool. Just continue to reason with him and teach him how to reason and I'm sure in time things will work out just fine. LOL until you are no longer a goddess to him (hey it has to happen) which for boys happens anytime after 11 years old, humm then he's all Dad's so you've got a few years to teach him to reason.

    Good luck that is such a cute age and they are so teachable when they are young!

  • clovis

    In a nice , calm voice, inform your SIL that you will beat her ass to a stump if she dares to read that to your son. Also threaten her with legal action. She doesn't care about your son, she's f%#*!$g with you.

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