need computer help

by els 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce
    Geeze its just like being back in again ! Big brother and spying on people.

    Well, it beats talk'n to the ly'n baastards!

    Been there and done that. I had very little computer know how but a dodgy computer that kept popping up open hotmail accounts.

    Singing: Let's wtch how we type and watch how we gripe .. that thus we may be alert for spies .. buuuuying out the oportune time .. nya ah aaar

  • ballistic

    I'm actually qualified in this shit! I just realised. And I started a stupid thread asking if anyone got any ideas for an internet business.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll, I could do it. Do you think it's wrong? I bet there's big money in it.

    I think it's well dodgy ethically. It's akin to reading someones diary. Add to that the fact that none of us really know the poster or what kind of person they are. For all we know *they* could be up to no good.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Ok my mistake the original poster is known on this site BUT that doesn't change the fact that reading other peoples private Email is ethically wrong

  • ballistic

    Maybe I'm biased because both the time I described above (helping a friend), and the time I looked into my jw wife's goings-on, both times they were guilty. I guess if I took this up as a business I would have to accept the fact there may be innocent parties.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    You just have to follow your conscience Ballsey. Personally I wouldn't like to be the one that helped split a couple up (But that's my personal point of view)

  • ballistic
    Personally I wouldn't like to be the one that helped split a couple up

    With the case of my wife, I just kept calling the telephone company over and over until I got an operator who didn't care about splitting couples up. And that person must have broken every rule in their book to tell me what they did. And I've never looked back. God - am I starting to sound bitter? I hope not. I'll try to bring back my smilies in a minute.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Yeah but by all accounts you married Satan in a mini skirt!


  • ballistic

    god, she's even known in Australia.

  • rocketman

    Tough one els. I can't help you on the technology end. How about just asking him? And what's he going to say in reply..."yeah, honey, I'm cheating"? Of course not, but would the way he reacted give you some clear indication? If it were me, I'd have that deer-in-the-headlights look, and my wife would know. But that's just me....not a good liar. Tough situation.

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