
by UNCLEAR 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • vitty

    Hi unclear and welcome

    I think you would do well to read the some really good info in the "best of .........." catagory. It covers many topics and questions about the "truth"

    Its the catagory just under this one

  • Lapuce

    Welcome to the board... I know that you will find alot of help here.....

  • inquirer


    <SONG MODE> I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE RAIN HAS GONE... </SONG MODE> Does that give you a hint on what you should do? LOL

  • Dismembered

    Greetings UNCLEAR

    Welcome and come back often. You have loads of company


  • looking_glass


    I know that Silent Lambs has sections regarding people's personal stories and there are other sites that are set up similar to this one as well. At one time I know there was a bro. in S. Africa that had a site that was largely geared toward questions about what was going on w/i the Organization and doctrine related issues. You may want to do a advanced search through google to see what is out there. I was confused by "best of" because I thought it was going to be people's stories, but it seemed to be info about the "founding fathers" and stories in the news about JWs. I guess I just assumed that most people know about Taze, Judge and Freddie. And as for news stories, go to court t.v. and do searches and you can come up with all kinds of interesting stories, should you want to research those subjects more fully.

  • TheListener

    Welcome Unclear.

    I welcome you to the board.

    We were always taught that we had a right to question, until we used that right. This is a place where you can ask the questions you may be afraid to give voice to. It's ok. We have all had similar issues.

    For me, I always thought the society made so much sense because they backed everything up with scriptures. I never realized that religions or individuals with differing viewpoints did the exact same thing and appeared just as correct as the society. After examining several important issues (to me) I realized that the society is on less than solid ground with many of its doctrines.

    Good luck on your journey.

    I have posted this before but I like to repost it for new ones that I think will benefit from reflecting on it:

    You're about to step out onto a road of self-discovery. It's a road that can get very lonely. Those who have known you the longest will be the most threatened and upset by your travels. Be strong, be courageous and be true to yourself. As you travel this road you will find others who are searching as well. Befriend them, console them and they will be of a benefit to you. There will be times when you are the only one walking on the road. You will feel the solitude. Take advantage of these times to search within yourself for what you believe, what you feel and how you want the world to know you. Roads like these never end but in time they can become more comfortable.


    Welcome to the board. I hope you find the encouragement and support that so many, including myself, have received here. I read this on one of the exJW sites a long time ago and it has stuck in my memory:

    "according to the JWs blood represents life, they actually place more value on this representaion then the actual life it stands for. To illustrate you have a picture of your child hanging on a wall in your home, this represents the child. A thief breaks in and you rush to make sure that the....picture is safe or your actual child? For a JW it would be the picture since it represents the child and is more precious than the child. Kind of like blood represents life, dont take the transfusion because it represents life so you must die to protect the representation of life."

    After reading this I was shocked... JWs have it all wrong about blood. No way I'd let my child die for that fallacy of a doctrine. Why on earth would God value a representation over the real thing?!?!

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

    Just keep researching them ...then you will see they are not the 'truth'!

  • acadian

    Welcome to the Board Unclear, and any other newbee's that are here!

    Looking_Glass said:

    For all the bashing that is done about JW's

    I would say most bashing is not directed towards The individual JW, but towards the Org. WTBTS

    And its quite understandible concerning what many have gone through with the WTS.

    From what I've read here I would say the majority of posters have deep respect for one another.

    Except UncleBruce and Gumby, don't talk to them...LOL...


    I'm in trouble now.....

  • jambon1

    In all aspects of life you find people that are loving or just horrible. The truth teaches that in the org it is a haven of peace, an oasis. In reality its just like the rest of the world. Mind you, I have experienced some lovely people with much more integrity than the average JW in the world.

    I learned after about 4 years in the truth that it wasnt what it was cracked up to be. My gut instinct when I had my children told me that I would save them no matter what. The blood issue is deeply flawed and I knew in my heart that I would give them blood (if it came to it) and that I would never shun them like you are taught to do if they are dfd. I`d rather tear my heart out!

    Go with your conscience. If you dont leave you will always have these doubts.

    No matter what you do, you are always welcome here.


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