
by UNCLEAR 48 Replies latest jw experiences



    This obviously is my first post, I actually feel like I may be sick but I felt compelled to post. Only if to just say hello.

    My life has been anything but boring, pioneered for years, brought several family members into "The Truth", and find myself unable to have studies anylonger because I feel unsure about the stand I have taken all these years.

    I was previously married, my husband left the organization for various reason, we divorced and I recently remarried another brother, he is a wonderful man and husband, I care for him deeply we and had been friends for 15 years. I also have a son from my first marriage who is 4, he is the love of my life, recently my son had an opertion that could require a blook transfusion and to be honest I could never deny him that. I refuse to give up my sons life on an unsure policy, created by imperfect men. This policy could change tomorrow.

    I don't even know if I am at a crossroad or where I am, I don't know if I could leave the organization giving up everything I have ever known. All the comforts that I have, all the people I love, I am not even sure if they are wrong. Although in my heart I know something is not right. Questioning if this organization is not right, then who's is? Can there be an untimate truth? The organization is so structured and seems blessed by Jehovah, I have felt such peace in the organization and then such judgemental hatred, is it man's imperfection in the organization or the organization itself. I am so truly confused right now, that you for listening to my chatter.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Welcome UNCLEAR

    Why should anyone be made to feel bad or keep silent just for having questions?

    I tried to express to my mom the other day just how vital I feel it is for each of us to continue challenging our own beliefs even more than we challenge the beliefs of other people. The things we accept as truths are meant to be continually examined and tested and proven, especially in the face of new information and experience. Truth can handle it. Only falsehood can't.


  • wannaexit

    Hello unclear,

    Welcome here!!!!!!!!!

    It must have taken a lot of courage to post here. You wont be disappointed!! Keep reading here and keep thinking. In time the confusion will dissipate and you will be able to see all things clearly.



  • SickofLies

    Is there an ultmate truth? Yes and no. There is relative truth everywhere. There is much truth in science, some of it we might call 'absloute' in a relative sence. Is there truth in religion? That depends on your defintion of what truth is, one might say that any religion that point to Jesus being our savour and God is truth, others would say that Alah is the way to the truth. Personally I would point you here for truth http://www.talkorigins.org/

    Welcome to the board.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome UNCLEAR

    Glad you came here. It will get clearer.

    Sometimes it takes a lot of faith just to admit to ourselves that we don't know. That's the first step in the process.

  • greendawn

    Welcome unclear, it's commendable that you didn't do the folly of letting your child die for the ever shifting blood policy of the JWs which is by small steps being demolished by its originators the GB themselves. It's an insane absurd policy.

    There are plenty of resources on the internet that you can examine regarding the history of the JWs and you will find a lot of disturbing facts in it.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Hi Unclear and welcome to the Forum. Hope you will be with us a long while, because you will always be welcome as a true friend. Among the wonderful people that you will meet here you will see a wide range of views and a rich tapestry of ideas, all contributing to finding out the "truth" about the "truth"

    Here thinking is allowed, and debate encouraged, dissent is not a sign of discord but of freedom and liberty. Heres hoping you will tell us more of yourself, and that you will feel at home.

    The spiritual quest that you are now beginning will be long, sometimes hard, somtimes confusing, but it will ultimately be rewarding. If there is anything you need to know just ask. It is truly amazing the wealth of intellectual talent that is available on this Forum.

    By the way, there are a couple of Aussies on this forum that I would be wary of if I were you. Mad as hatters. Completely bonkers. Drive you round the twist they will.


  • SixofNine

    Welcome UNCLEAR.

    I suspect it will all become much more clear now that you are openly discussing your questions. I remember telling my mother, on the day that I had an epiphany about the blood issue, that while I would never consider myself a JW anymore, I would probably always believe 95% of the same things she believed from a religious perspective.

    I was wrong. Within a very short time, I realized almost ALL the edicts of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on dishonest, oh-so-human rationalizations by people who, like you do, and I once did, feel wrongly that there is no life outside of JW's, and that JW's have some connection to God.

    Information is power, so research research research.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Welcome Unclear

    SickofLies beat me to it! - truth is relative!! I do believe there is an ultimate truth but we won't find it this side of eternity.

    There are lots of well researched threads here which deal with the orgs teachings. Stick around and research them. If you have questions, no matter how trivial you think they are, don't be embarrassed to ask.

    Please don't let feelings of comfort and safety keep you in a place if everything else feels wrong - leaving, if you decide to, will cause you pain, maybe for a long time, but it will be worth it in the end.

    I actually feel like I may be sick

    We're not that bad, honestly!

    Hope you enjoy your stay

  • looking_glass


    I am also new to this board. I don't believe in bashing the religion like some do. I do believe in "to each their own".

    I do understand completely where you are coming from being confused. I too was confused for many years. I was a pioneer for years, served where the need was great, yadda yadda yadda. I am third generation JW and yes there is a fourth generation as well. I am one of the few members of my family that has walked way quietly from the "truth". I saw some very strange things, I saw some very bad things and I saw some wonderful things.

    For all the bashing that is done about JW's, they have been very good to my mother who is very difficult to deal with. She has a physical handicap and she carries it like a bat that she bets people upside the head with. She has some wonderful friends who take care of her and are wonderful to her. For various reasons I am unable to attend to my mother. So the cong and the bros and sisters have been wonderful.

    As for the blood transfusion, that should be a personal decision. Whatever you decide to do you must do it with all the facts and go from there. The one thing I will tell you is that I know working in the industry I work in (medical malpractice) that blood is often times used when doctors are sloppy. It may be possible to have the blood on hand should it be necessary for use during the surgery. But it is not always a necessity. Also, technology now a days has allowed for laser surgery in many surgical procedures. So just the same as JW's telling you that your son SHOULD NOT have a blood transfusion, do not buy into a doctor who is too quick to say that it is a MUST. You must research the subject fully. Research the doctor fully. Research the hospital and its staff fully. And from there make your decision.

    On a personal note, my grandmother who was in the later stages of dementia accepted a blood transfusion. It was not until we were in the hospital with my grandmother and the issue of blood came up and my mother objected to it on the grounds of her mother being a JW did the doctors pull my grandmother's medical file and show my mother that her own mother had an a BT six months prior. Shortly thereafter my grandmother passed away. Unfortunately my mother found it necessary to tell her elders that my grandmother had had a blood transfusion eariler in the year and the elders informed my mother that my grandmother's funeral could not be held at the hall, nor were they willing to give her memorial talk. My mother was devistated. An elder went so far as to say that he did not know if my grandmother would be in the new system or not. Needless to say this upset my already grieving mother. I showed the "elder" the door and said to him as I was closing the door "only those who have sinned against the Holy Spirit are doomed to everylasting death but maybe those who mislead the congreation will also run the risk of being thrown into the lake of everylasting fire. maybe Jehovah will show you more mercy then you have shown my family."

    I guess my point is that in every hall, cong, book study, personal home, you have people who are prone to judge. But for every elder that crushed my mother, there was a friend who held her up. I am sure that you will find those same friends to hold you up during this trying time. If not right in your hall, maybe here on this board.

    My thoughts are with you.

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