How Dodgy Are You?

by misspeaches 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Potentially 37 years in jail and 7,000 fines.....................not bad for a middleaged woman who thought shed never crossed the line

  • luna2


    I know 'everyone's doing it', but that doesn't mean its legal. Ok - chances are slim that anyone is ever going to prosecute you, but it just takes one bit of bad luck. It may seem easier to take the quick, cheaper option, but they might just clamp down. Nah, you'll be fine… Well maybe not. Yeah its OK… Actually… Ooh. Aah.

    Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

    Years in prison: 8 Potential fine: £7000

    Hrm...pretty tame.

  • diamondblue1974

    I got 8 years and a fine of £2000!

    There goes my impending Bar Council Registration!


  • sonnyboy

    Ever shot someone with a bow and arrow?

    This is actually legal in certain situations in the UK - in Chester you can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls after midnight. In York, excluding Sundays, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    I guess York isn't a very popular tourist destination for Scotsmen. That's insane.

  • Abaddon

    Apparently I am crooked; 19 years in prison and 7.5k of fines, plus a possible death penalty...death penalty!

  • Collegegurl

    In the Clear, but somehow still 5 years in prison and 0 pound fine. not too bad.

  • Gadget

    I'm worse than I thought!!!!!


    More than a bit naughty - you're heading for a spot of bother at this rate - that is if you're not already inside. You don't have to be perfect, but if no one says you're a bad person, they're wrong. You are.

    Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

    Years in prison: 121 Potential fine: £7000


  • unclebruce

    LOL - welcome to scoundrel class gadget!

    and wow you got the same fine but 54 more years in jail! you shoulda been more caredful in bed .. lol


  • Finally-Free


    How much time are you allowed on the internet when you're behind bars? With those answers that is the only place you can be… You're a bad piece of work who must be doing some time at Her Majesty's pleasure. Either that or you're some kind of Harry Houdini when it comes to paying your debt to society.

    Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

    Years in prison: 121 Potential fine: £7000


  • MerryMagdalene

    In the clear

    You can stand up straight and walk tall, no one's after you, unless they're trying to nick something from you! It's good to behave 100% correctly and to the letter of the law, though it's hardly life on the edge…

    Apparently most of my crimes are only illegal in other countries, and a few US states I've never been to.


    Years in prison: 0.5 Potential fine: £0

    *Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed.

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