Why do good looking people turn us on?

by free2beme 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I do find that I find healthy and often in shape people, to be more attractive then someone who just lets themselves go.

  • Darkside Blues
    Darkside Blues

    It's a cliche, but I think it's true - beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I have a specific type of man that I find attractive - tall, super slender, and a bit feminine - that other women may not find as such. There's all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors to appeal to everyone's palate. :)

  • Mary

    They had a segment on Dateline a few years ago about this very subject. It asked we were genetically programmed to "respond" to people who had physical beauty and they did all kinds of tests where they had these electrodes pasted on a guys' head (they did women too) and they flashed pictures of both beautiful women and not-so-attractive women and measured the brains responses. Both men and women's brains responded far more to a picture of a beautiful woman than a far less attractive woman, showing that we are genetically programmed to appreciate beauty.

    They gave an obvious comparison: Why did Princess Diana get so much more media coverage than say Princess Anne? Both were Princesses, both did charity work, both attended major events to raise funds for the less fortunate, both had lousy marriages, etc. The insinuation was clear: it was because Diana had physical beauty, whereas Princess Anee did not.

  • Abaddon
    An ugly human, can produce children as well as a super model or a well built man.

    Can they now?

    I suppose it depends on what you mean by 'ugly'.

    In all cultures, whether they like skinny women or voluptuous women, men like women whose waists are 0.7 the measurement of their hips. Women with a classic hourglass shape have higher fertility than those who don't.

    Good skin means good health means good genes.

    Clear eyes means good health means good genes.

    Men find legginess attractive because adolescent females undergoing their growth spurt tend to go through a phase of legginess which indicates that they are also about to enter their highest level of fertility.

    Well-shaped ass and breast means a women can bear a child and feed it.

    A symmetrical face indicates a genome or prior development that gives an organism greater strength; children become less symmetrical the more children a mother has.

    Closely related people are likely not to find anything sexually attractive about each other's body smell. Higher levels of compatibility are thought to be behind how some people just smell good to others, fresh out of a shower.

    With men, the characteristic 'male' attributes correlate to elevated levels of testosterone.

    Classical 'Greek' bodily forms are indicative of a strong healthy body capable of acting as a protector and provider.

    It is very likely that female sexual preference lead to the evolution of the modern male's penis, totally unlike the penises of the great apes (far larger and with no bone in it, yet still hard whilst being soft). Go figure.

    People normally have relationships, all things being equal, with someone as attractive as them. Give a group separate photos of couples and they will group then together correctly far more often than chance would allow.

    Good looking people turn us on because what looks good looking to us is a set of characteristics indicating a person possessing them is healthy, fertile, in possession of good genes and capable of fulfilling their evolutionary gender role.

    Of course, we are self-aware, which means we can buck the programming... but it is still there...

  • ballistic

    Good thoughts Abaddon, but you fail to address the fact that humans who live in welfare states such as England have in effect taken thenselves out of the evolutionary model. It is common in England for middle or upper class persons to wait to have children and have them sparingly while people reliant on benefits and typically living in areas where there is poor diet, smoking and drinking to have large families dependant on government handouts.

    That's about the most radical you'll ever see me on this board.

  • greendawn

    That's a good point free2beme good looks are superfluous to the so called survival of the species and there is more to it. Having our unique individual faces unlike other species, but also having our unique voices are also hard to explain in evolutionary terms. Even the apes within each of their species look similar to each other.

  • ballistic
    Even the apes within each of their species look similar to each other.

    Greendawn lol, that's just from your perspective. It's actually quite an ignorant statement, but as it's hard to imagine being an ape, I'm not going to hold it against you!

  • FlyingHighNow

    It takes more THAN good looks to impress this mammacita.

  • Carmel

    so what is the "reproductive" rationale for two gay people to be "turned on" by each other?


  • FlyingHighNow

    Attractive looks are only part of it all. I see plenty of technically attractive people who are boring as hell. Personal power, passion for life, interesting personality and intelligent humor can be be far more alluring than the way someone looks.

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