Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-2-06 WT Study (Increasing Light)

by blondie 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lilybird

    Thanks Blondie.. your posts are always interesting and enlightning .Thanks for all your research and time..Makes me wonder,, how do they keep writing and re-writing all these doctrines and beliefs...Even they must have a hard time keeping up with all the changes and back-tracking.. Good thing they have this website to check on so they can keep up with all their changes!!!

  • Severus

    For those who think this may be a prelude to "new light" don't hold your breath.

    The article is just a rehash from the 2004 District Convention part:

    Saturday (4:15) Walking in the Path of Increasing Light

  • nowuask

    Word changes: Parg 3: experienced should be experemented Parg 7: Oversight should be slavery Parg 9: shepherding should be forcing Parg 13: gave should be brain washed PArg 21: adapting should be forced

  • Elsewhere

    If you think you can stomach it, here is the original talk given at the 2004 District Convention

    Saturday (4:15) Walking in the Path of Increasing Light:

    Hey WTS:

  • Blueblades

    Let's give them credit for one thing, they sure know how to "RECYCLE". Like recycling a speech from a previous campain. Yes they use recyling again and again and again and again......

    Thanks Blondie for showing them up for what they really are doing over and over again---"RECYCLING".

    That elder quoting Peter is a teacher of scripture He goes to an organization, rather than to Jesus and does not know the difference between where and whom.

    By the way your right, no mention of the "GENERATION CHANGE" as New Light.


  • heathen

    I just love the way they slip the nethinin class in there , so now the book publishing coporation holds the same station as the temple of ancient jerusalem . It's like saying just because you write articles does not mean you are the FDS . They may as well claim that they are the superior authorities . They love to tell people to be a good citizen but don't disobey the book publishing corporation even if it means lying to the authorities in countries where they are banned .

    I agree this article did not shed any light on anything it just simply tried to reinforce the belief that the WTBTS book publishing corporation is still in charge and not to be questioned or doubted.

    Some great comments from everybody .

  • M.J.
    Then in 1927/28, God's people recognized that Christmas and birthday celebrations are unscriptural, and they discontinued observing such.

    Then why did the WT magazine in the 1940s describe JWs celebrating birthdays?\ Jan 1, 1940 Watchtower, p. 16, under "Field Experiences":

    CLEVELAND, OHIO: "Pardon me for intruding on your precious time, but I just can’t help letting you know how much I appreciate the phonograph which came to me on the morning after the 8th, which was my 80th birthday. It was indeed a birthday gift from Jehovah, to be used in proclaming his name. May grace and strength be given me to do with my might what my hands find to do."

    From the Jan 1, 1940 Watchtower, page 16:


    MARYLAND: "On invitation of our daughter, Mother and I came up here for the summer. After consultation with the local servant, I went to work witnessing. Results: Day-(mostly September and October), 57; hours, 156; books, 112; booklets, 464. September 10, while here, celebrated my 80th birthday anniversary. Have six married sons and daughters, 16 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Had four or five successful information marches, followed by transcription lectures at the Moose Hall."

    From the 1946 yearbook, Page 207-208:

    Many of the Uruguayans act very quickly on the message. One sister came out of the Adventist church and into the truth and immediately began publishing the best way she knew how, talking to all about the Kingdom and the fraud of religion. One time while witnessing on the bus on the way to her territory she placed all the booklets she had in her bag. One publisher placed a book with a woman and, upon calling back, met the husband, who was also interested. Both took part in the study started and the man took a pencil and marked down all the texts read so that they could review them later. When he had a birthday he invited all his friends and also one of Jehovah’s witnesses with a phonograph and records and gave a good witness to them all. They are both now publishers.

  • morwen

    I just wanted to say thanks to you Blondie for all the time, energy & work you do on these!

    And I'm a bit surprised(although I probably shouldn't be) about no mention of the "generation change"??? That's a biggy one!


  • jgnat

    That's RIGHT Severus. I think I was THERE for that. It seems the first time around they mentioned the generation change, though. Maybe they got too much flack for that afterwards.

  • xjwms


    Great light is a comm''in''in from where we don't know

    Par 12...You forgot to give us a Vomit alert............Peace among Jehovahs servants. Oh Please.

    I'll show some peace....when I get to the memorial this year. The first goof to give a sharp word....will get it, ... two fold.

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