Eulogy for My Father

by Farkel 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ArgCampeon

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad a couple of years ago, he was my best friend. Don't get depressed over the funeral arrangements. An elder gave the talk for my dad in the Hall and did a great job. He spoke about him and his accomplishments and the relationship he had with us. Everything he included in the talk he asked me to be sure that is what my Dad wanted.

    Find comfort in the scriptures.

  • Tallyman

    I'm so sorry, Doug.

  • Michael3000

    Farkel, that was truly beautiful. I have tears in my eyes, thinking of my own father - soon to be 73, and a JW for more than 40 years. I know I'll be dealing with his, and my mother's, deaths faster than I want to, but the way you just eulogized your dad will be an inspiration to me when that time comes. Best wishes for you and your family.


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • Winston

    Sorry Farkel,

    That was a beautiful eulogy you sure put a lot of heart in it.

    Former elder turned apostate (by WT definition)[:)}and proud of it!

  • RedhorseWoman

    Farkel, I am so sorry about the loss of your father. Your eulogy is wonderful, and ever so much better than the canned presentation given at the Hall. My parents' memorials were simply advertisements for Witness dogma and they left me feeling very empty. They pretty much negated my parents' lives. ****HUGS****

  • Tatiana

    Farkel, I don't know you but I feel your loss. I attended my only sister's funeral only 3 short years ago. She had left the org. but my mom still insisted on giving her a witness funeral. It sickened me to see all these witnesses who had known her since she was 5, yet hadn't talked to her or tried to see if they could help her in years, show up at the funeral home acting like they cared that she killed herself. That may sound cruel, but where were they when she needed serious help?

    Anyway, thank you for posting this for us to read. You are the kind of son I would want when I finally leave this place.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • ladonna

    Dear Fark,

    I had been away for a while and had not visited the forum.
    Reading the eulogy to your father was a touching and emotive experience.
    How fortunate a man he was to have had a son like you.
    If I could reach over oceans, I would give you this, .........

    A Tribute to your Father, you, and life.........

    The day is done, and the darkness
    Falls from the wing of Night,
    As a feather is wafted downward
    From an eagle in its flight.

    I see the lights of the village
    Gleam through the rain and mist,
    And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me,
    That my soul cannot resist.

    A feeling of sadness and longing,
    That is not akin to pain,
    And resembles sorrow only
    As the mist resembles rain.

    Come, read to me some poem,
    Some simple and heartfelt lay,
    That shall soothe this restless feeling
    And banish the thoughts of day....

    Not from the grand old masters,
    Not from the bards sublime,
    Whose distant footsteps echo
    Through the corridors of Time.

    For, like strains of martial music,
    Their mighty thoughts suggest
    Life's endless toil and endeavor;
    And to-night I long for rest.

    Read from some humbler poet,
    Whose songs gush'd from his heart,
    As showers from the clouds of summer,
    Or tears from the eyelids start,

    Who, through long days of labor,
    And nights devoid of ease,
    Still heard in his soul the music
    Of wonderful melodies.

    Such songs have power to quiet
    The restless pulse of care,
    And come like the benediction
    That follows after prayer.

    Then read from the treasured volume
    The poem of thy choice;
    And lend to the rhyme of the poet
    The beauty of thy voice.

    And the night shall be filled with music,
    And the cares that infest the day,
    Shall fold their tents like the Arabs,
    And as silently steal away.


  • unclebruce

    Thanks Doug .. for comming into our lives .. you reflect your Dad proud.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...and now Farkel himself is gone. I thought that Doug's eulogy for his Father should be "b.t.t.t.-ed" also.

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