Most irritating adverts

by greendawn 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog
    Has the "where the bloody hell are you?" ad for Australian tourism begun in theUK/USA yet.?

    Anyone having trouble understanding it?

    wombat, that new o/s advert campaign is as worse as, imo, the Paul Hogan equivalent of "throw another thrimp on the barbie..." I can cringe when I think that's how Aus is being represented, yeash...

    that advert campaign, from what i've seen of it is all 18y/o's in bikinis who can only speak in one syllable words...

    worst ad of late, that seriously p*ssed me off is a local advert in Tassie (& boy there are some shockers...) it's a new electrical appliance shop that's opened up. the backdrop of the couple of minute long ad is a tall leggy blonde in a red bikini standing there all stupidlike smiling and pouting at the camera, while various electrical paraphanalea (sp??) are overlayed on the screen. What's the point of that, except to p*ss the 52% of Aussie women off for objectification value...???

  • wombat

    Yeah Frog.. The cringe factor really kicks in. Never mind. Even if they spend one night here before they return disappointed we'll have made some money out of them.

    I chuckled at your description of you local ad. I can imagine a bunch of boozy salesmen hanging back at the office with a slab of VB ("Sorry, Honey, had to work late on a new TV commercial).

  • tijkmo

    the personal injury advert where the guy is up a ladder and it slips down the wall....cant watch it

  • Frog
    Yeah Frog.. The cringe factor really kicks in. Never mind. Even if they spend one night here before they return disappointed we'll have made some money out of them.

    ...I guess that's the main things Wombat

    I suppose though that it's all fairly inconsequential since it's unlikely us Aussies had a decent reputation to speak of to ruin anyway...lucky we can laught at ourselves?!?...hahahaheheheohhhhthepainofit...

  • damselfly
    Has the "where the bloody hell are you?" ad for Australian tourism begun in theUK/USA yet.?

    I haven't seen this one yet but it's been all over the papers. Oh! the conterversy. Canada didn't have a problem with the "bloody hell" part it was the glass of beer that was half full. Because that would imply consumption of said beer which is a no-no. What the bloody hell else are ya supposed to do with a glass of beer but drink it?!

    So I'm annoyed already by it.

  • wombat

    Damsel....Australian are a very sober people...We actually do order half a glass of beer.

  • Frog

    I think the issue taken with the consumption of alcohol was more about the times the advert could be shown. Even in Aus there are regulations which prohibit the showing of alcohol in advertising before 8pm.

  • DanTheMan
    the Paul Hogan equivalent of "throw another thrimp on the barbie..."

    What does that mean?

  • wombat

    All Australian were asking the same thing when they first heard it. It was thought up by a bunch of suits in an advertising agency trying to be cute.

    Firstly, here a shrimp is a very, very small prawn. Size of a fingernail. What Americans call "shrimp" we call prawns.

    Also I can't recall actually ever seeing anyone here barbequeing (barbie) prawns. I suppose some folk do.

    If we are having a get-together we just buy a kilo of them already cooked and wash them down with good wine or beer.

    Tourists are always made to feel very welcome in Australia, especially if they get out of the big cities. And it really is a beautiful place with lots to see. But the advertising makes we locals cringe.

  • Frog
    Tourists are always made to feel very welcome in Australia, especially if they get out of the big cities. And it really is a beautiful place with lots to see. But the advertising makes we locals cringe.

    It's offical Wombat, I'm promoting you to offical tourism ambassador :))

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