The Plot Thickens...

by RichieRich 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Ok. Thanks to everyone so far.

    I NEED a MOD to delete my email address from the following thread! It's showing up in google searchs for my name!!

  • freedomlover

    Richie......oh man! where do you think he got that info? there are snitches everywhere in the JW sub-culture.....

    oh well, sounds like you covered yourself well.

    You know our offer always stands for you. we have a couch you could crash on if you need a place for a little while. do you have all our contact info. still?

    best of luck. it seems like things are coming to a head for you.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I think some kids who know you are lurking here, and have spread the rumor that you will DA when you turn 18. Knowing the consequences going onto apostate websites would have for themselves, though, the rumor has been spread as a kind of, I heard that someone saw that Richie posted on a website that... blah blah blah. Without a ''witness'' to the crime, they can't do much about it. And unless one of the elders decides to go combing thru all the apostate websites (and MySpaces!) on the internett, it won't be easy to pin you down.

    Being the Spiritual Shepherds that they are, though, they have pondered this matter at great lengths, prayed for Understanding and Guidance, and finally decided to ask you about it. The Holy Spirit has now revealed The Answer to them.

    Hang in there, Richie, you're doing great.


  • ithinkisee

    First off - you posted this new post under FRIENDS. It is probably good practice to post this kind of stuff under PRIVATE if you don't want to get any more info on you. I mean, just supposing someone is onto you on JWD and is monitoring you, you just gave them a lot of information in this thread.

    Last year Scully offered to move a bunch of my threads to the PRIVATE folder after I had some scares. You may wish to see if Scully or another admin can do the same.

    Second - even when the post is moved that is currently listed under Google, it will remain in Google's cache for quite some time.

    Third - you're always welcome here. I'll send you a PM with further contact info.


  • james_woods

    Richie, I think you are being set up by someone you would least expect. But, something tells me you know that and just don't care any more.

    Probably it would be best to start a focus on education and career choices - just let them keep guessing. Do you have a school guidance counselor? Might be a place to start...

    BTW, They seem like they are more scared of you than the other way around.

    Three cheers!

  • whyamihere

    Honey, I am sorry of what you're going through.

    You know I am here when you need got my number. Love you!


  • Sunspot


    All I can say that you are an amazing young man and have such a great way about you! I have no advice other than to "hang in there" and deal with the lumps the best you can while waiting for Liberation Day!

    Big hugs,


  • RichieRich

    Thanks to all for their love, supposrt, and PMs.

    I still need a mods help with editing that post.

  • lisaBObeesa
    Richie said: SO pretty much, the elders have seen me here. However, there appears to be no sort of expeditous judicial process in action here. It looks like its a nonissue with them.

    Look, they know. Why would they go to all the trouble of dragging you in the back room when they know you plan to walk out the door in two months? My theory: They plan to just keep an eye on you, and let you do what you have to do in two months. It will be a lot less work for them, and they won't have to 'take you on' in a JC. I think this brother just couldn't keep his mouth shut...he had to let you know he knew.

  • RichieRich
    I think this brother just couldn't keep his mouth shut...he had to let you know he knew.

    Not to call you wrong, but I consider myself to be a good judge of character and reader of body language.

    This guy wasn't nervous. Now I could be 100% off. HE could of been going voer this for a week, and had it rehearsed to a "t".

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