when is the truth not the truth

by beezknees 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • beezknees

    okay i'm still a newbie but i was quite surprised when reading some info of a statement about the 'end being fluid' and that

    'Present TRUTH replaces Past TRUTH ,however Present Truth may be replaced by future TRUTH'

    Cambridge dictionary definition on TRUTH -the real facts about a situation, event or person

    Cambridge dictionary definition of a LIE- (speak falsely) to say or write something which is not true in order to decieve someone

    surely the wbts fails to have a clear understanding of the english language let alone any other deeper matters, i can't beleive how readily jw's myself for 30yrs included just accepted bizarre statements such as this as making sense??? I feel they are seriously guilty of missuse of the word truth.. but then again if its not the truth it must be a Lie and who do the teach us is the father of the lie....???

  • whatistruth

    What you say makes sense to us but to those who are really in the cult the fds can say red is blue and it will be believed by those who are sucked in.

  • unclebruce

    okay i'm still a newbie but i was quite surprised when reading some info of a statement about the 'end being fluid' and that

    'Present TRUTH replaces Past TRUTH ,however Present Truth may be replaced by future TRUTH'

    Cambridge dictionary definition on ;TRUTH -the real facts about a situation, event or person

    Cambridge dictionary definition of a LIE- (speak falsely) to say or write something which is not true in order to decieve someone

    surely the wbts fails to have a clear understanding of the english language let alone any other deeper matters, i can't beleive how readily jw's myself for 30yrs included just accepted bizarre statements such as this as making sense??? I feel they are seriously guilty of missuse of the word truth.. but then again if its not the truth it must be a Lie and who do the teach us is the father of the lie....?

    Welcome to the board beesknees,

    Mind boggling isn't it. Strange but true - the orwellian world of Jehovahs Witnesses. The Brooklyn Bible scholars couldn't lay straight in bed.

    One example of how the watchtower society revises it's own history (lies, bends the truth™ whatever) is the way it refers to it's prophesies concerning the year 1914™.
    CT Russell firmly believed and proclaimed far and wide that “the conclusion of this 'system of things™” began in 1799 and that 'Christ came invisibly™' in 1874 and that the church would “escape” (rapture to heavenly glory) before 1914. It was taught by Russell almost right up to 1914 that 1914 was going to be the end of the "system of things".
    We see no reason in changing the figures — nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble. Watchtower July 15, 1894 p. 226
    Yet today they lie saying over and over that their sham prescience about 1914 marked the start of "the conclusion of the system of things"
    For 38 years prior to 1914, the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then called, pointed to that date as the year when the Gentile Times would end. What outstanding proof that is that they were true servants of Jehovah! Watchtower 1990 10/15 p. 19
    What they deceitfully do not tell is that 1914 marked, in pre-1914 publications, the end of the world and the ushering in of Armageddon at that time.
    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. Watchtower December 1, 1991 p.
  • Honesty

    Welcome to the real world, Beezknees!!!

    Another amazing little item about WACKTOWER Truth™ is that it somehow manages to get changed without the "Faithful Discreet Slave"™ letting anyone know.

    For instance:

    Comparing articles in loose magazines with bound volumes show subtle differences in sentences that change the original Truth™

    Also notice how confused the WACKTOWER is when it discusses Judge Rutherford's talks and booklet:

    "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" booklet and public talk in the following articles:

    WT 97 1/1 page 11 par.18

    WT 96 6/15 page 32

    WT 95 1/1 page 20 under subheading "Mother's Inspiring Example"

    Somehow the title of the Judge's talk and booklet are a bit different depending on the "season.":

    "Millions Now LIving MAY Never Die" booklet and public talk in the following articles:

    WT 90 4/1 "Questions from Readers" page 31

    WT90 12/15 page 13 par.11

    WT 89 9/1 page 13 par. 10

    WT 85 10/15 page 19 par. 15

    This is just a small sampling of the many times this phrase has been shrewdly changed by the writers of the WACKTOWER in order to make sure the JW's remain the spiritual drunkards they have become by accepting "meat in due season" from the Watchtower god.

  • daystar


    surely the wbts fails to have a clear understanding of the english language

    That's not really the issue. They change any definitions they choose to in order to make the phrase match with the doctrine they've chosen. This is just like they changed the definition of "generation" when referring to the 144,000 once they realized that the definition they'd been using was about to prove them as not preaching the truth.

  • bennyk

    The WT study article for this week includes decapitated quotes from the 1928 WT. Only two sentences before where they begin quoting, the 1928 WT includes a statement regarding the time of the end beginning in 1799. I find this rather at variance with a statement in the 22.01.73 Awake! (p.8): "Based on what [Jesus] said, along with the words of Daniel and John, Jehovah's witnesses pointed to 1914, decades in advance*, as marking the start of 'the conclusion of the system of things.' " This is clearly untrue. And then the footnote:) "see, for example, the Bible Examiner, vol. XXI, No. 1 (Whole No. 313), October 1876, pages 27, 28." (Also, the Bible Examiner article says nothing of the sort.)

    Apparently, the WTS does not find it necessary that the "Truth" be true.

  • daystar

    I guess I've never really caught this. When did they change "Will Never Die" to "May Never Die"?

    Both versions sound right to me in memory, which leads me to believe I've heard both.

  • BluesBrother

    Honesty said

    Also notice how confused the WACKTOWER is when it discusses Judge Rutherford's talks and booklet: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" booklet and public talk in the following articles:

    I found this comment, because the question intrigued me, I admit that I had never noticed it before.


    p. 127 Part 2—United States of America ***
    Contributing to disciple-making work in those days was a new preaching activity—the "Millions Campaign." It featured distribution of the 128-page book Millions Now Living Will Never Die, placed with the people on a contribution of 25c a copy. The book was used in conjunction with a public-speaking program that began on September 25, 1920, and that centered around a lecture (originally entitled "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living May Never Die") given by J. F. Rutherford in Los Angeles on February 24, 1918, and published in the new book in 1920.
    So it seems both titles were used . It must have caused a few quizzical resposes back then
  • atypical

    "Truth" is a buzzword used by high-control groups to cause their members to filter all information they receive. By referring to their group as "the truth", they cement an outlook in their mind that does not change even in the face of ridiculous action by their leaders. If they are IN "the truth", then anything that happens is only part of "the truth". That discourages any critical thinking towards the organization. I realized after I started fading that I had to force myself to quit referring to the religion as "the truth".

  • greendawn

    I am sure they know what the words truth, lie, and adding to a concept as opposed to discarding it mean but being hypocrites they pretend that they don't know, they play this queer little mind games quite a lot.

    The issue is simple the real truth never changes and therefore the JW truth can not be the real truth. Statements like "I've been in the truth for x years are meaningless.

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