About half drunk

by Undecided 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I just bought a small bottle of alcohol and made me a drink. Damn, it sure was strong. I'm about drunk. My wife doesn't tolerate drinking, so I must try to hide my drink. She can smell alcohol so I can't go near her for a while. Her dad was a drunk so I can understand her feelings. I'll just stay on the computer for a while and maybe get by with it. Wish me luck.

    Ken P.

  • ballistic

    On a Monday Ken? I'm just recovering from the weekend!

  • luna2

    Dang, Ken, that must have been one strong drink. LOL

  • RubaDub

    If you gargle with a 50/50 mixture of Vinegar and Clorox she will never notice the smell of alcohol.

    Rub a Dub

  • greendawn

    Can't she distinguish between normal and excessive drinking? I can understand that she was traumatised by her father's drinking but does that mean that you can't drink at all?

  • Ellie

    Tut tut!!

    I'm going to show this thread to my poor under the thumb partner, he believes hes the only man on earth banned from drinking.

  • blondie

    What half?

  • RubaDub

    If you gargle with a 50/50 mixture of Vinegar and Clorox she will never notice the smell of alcohol.

    You can also substitute Kerosene for the Clorox but follow the directions on the container and only gargle in a well-ventilated area.

    Rub a Dub

  • Chimene

    Get some BigRed chewing gum Ken

  • Undecided

    It worked out OK. We had supper and she didn't smell a thing. My brother and I went bowling and he went by the ABC store on the way home(I ride with him) and got some good whisky. I got a cheap little bottle of Canadian whisky, and boy it was good when I made me a drink. I was kind of depressed, and it helped me feel better. My childhood friend is still in the IC and isn't doing well at all and I can't put it out of my mind. I think of him all the time and the good times we had growing up. I almost cry when I think of him and what he's going through right now, in fact I'm am crying, we were so close as teenagers, like brothers. You usually only have one close friend like this and I would hate to lose him now. Give him your good thoughts.

    Ken P.

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