Which do YOU do.....play by the Witnesses Rules....or by YOUR own Rules?

by gumby 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • acadian

    When i see um i talk to um, just the other day was in safeway supermarket and there was a sister who is the wife of one of my once best friends ( if it matters we were in the produce dept.and i saw what she was checking to see if it was fresh) I caught her offgaurd, she looked surprised, but she did talk,and thats what i do ,if i see some one i know then i'm going to say hi, if they like it or not.

    What they do with my friendliness is up to them, but i wont lower myself and hide and run, i don't have the problem, they do.

    The other day the elder that DFed my wife was riding his bike down the road, now i had three choices (1) keep driving, (2) run him over, (3) stop ask if he would like a ride, because he was heading toward his house, he's abit overweight,giving him a ride would be a good thing.

    Well i chose #2....hehehe....no i stopped offered him a ride, he looked shocked that i stopped , he didn't expect that, he declined the ride (i knew he would, not the first time i offered) They don't know what to do with your kindness, other than run.

    So when i see um, i just be myself, friendly and hospitible, that's my nature,and i like to see the look on their faces, they don't know what to do. I love it when their in a line at the store, and there's no where to go, hah i got ya,so how the family you doing ok? hehehe... I love it!


  • gumby

    Luna2 and OldFlame.....well said! Good attitude. Be happy, be yourself, don't play the victim, yet don't force yourself on them.

    Flyinbabe......I think you did the right thing with your sis. ....no need to drive her and hubby completely out of your life. Why they wouldn't allow you in their life is their loss.

    I s'pose it should be asked, do you WANT to speak to anyone who's shunning you?

    Well, do you?

    Ozmeister.....yes and no. I'll give an example. Many times when a DFed/DAed witness approaches a witness, the witness will play their part and do the shunning act such as not looking at you in the eye.....but........I have MANY times gave a warm smile to them as I walk up to them and they smile back and talk to me. Many of them do not want to shun me....but they play the part and also try and show me they are doing as the Slave suggests and being loyal dubites......but when I speak kindly to them......all that vanishes. There is a time when that doesn't work and that is when they are with another witness or especially in a group of them. Because of other dub onlookers watching, it's not wise to try this since no witness wants to be judged by those looking on. ....kinda like a dub watchin an R-rated movie in the home but not in public. Gumby.......................................oh!..... good mornin all you apostate bastards.
  • GoingGoingGone

    Morning, gumbers!!

    luna2 - I feel like you do. I'm not DF'd, but my very best friends are now avoiding me. I'm not one to force myself on someone, so I'm thinking, it's her loss... I'm not going to force the issue. But if I was being shunned and bumped into someone on the street, I would definately smile and say hi. I won't become a rude person just because someone else is.

    (((((hugs))))) to everyone who is being shunned


  • daystar

    Oh no. I treat them just like I treat anyone else who tries to force their religious beliefs on me. I punch 'em in the neck.

    Very much kidding. I see the occasional set of elders and I smile and shake their hands just like I would anyone else. It would do no good to play into their image of "godless worldy person" or, if they know me, a person who has fallen into Satanic sin and debauchery.

    What I enjoy, though, is that I do look a bit of a toughie, with my shaved head and goatee. So when I'm so friendly and casual with them, I'm sure there are some little shorts going off in their head. "He doesn't seem all that bad," if I'm lucky.

  • gumby
    I love it when their in a line at the store, and there's no where to go, hah i got ya,so how the family you doing ok? hehehe... I love it!

    Acadian.......I guess we all have that little good feeling inside when that happens.......a captive audience!...LOL

    I think so far everyone who has commented here has the right attitude at least in my opinion. Be nice, but don't purposely put them in a predicament that makes them uncomfortable since they are only doing what their brainwashed heart tells them to do.


  • stillajwexelder

    both sets of rules depending - I call it Theocratic Warfare Strategy

  • gumby


    It would do no good to play into their image of "godless worldy person" or, if they know me, a person who has fallen into Satanic sin and debauchery.

    It's nice when you can speak and they realise you do not have a flame coming out of your mouth and horns behind your head isn't it?

    Also....many dubs THINK you are mad at them, hate them, and hence they are afraid to look at you. When they see this isn't so, it releaves their tension. This is especially true of known apostates.


  • Woodsman

    I'm not DFed but if I was I would raise my hands in the air, howl like a ghost and chase them.

  • gumby
    I'm not DFed but if I was I would raise my hands in the air, howl like a ghost and chase them.

    Woodsman. How would you feel when you were a loyal believing witness about someone who did that to you? Many witnesses who see desenters act that way have their beliefs about the actions of those who leave Jehovah varified when they see this. What do you think? Is it better to "set an example" of a desenter apostate bastard.......or play out our anger to them? Which one proves most beneficial? Gumby*tries ta sound like Fred Franz turned apostate*

  • FlyingHighNow
    Flyinbabe......I think you did the right thing with your sis. ....no need to drive her and hubby completely out of your life. Why they wouldn't allow you in their life is their loss.

    Thank you, Gumby. I know they would benefit greatly from my love and support. We were always so close, her family and me. I just can't believe they would want to worship a god who would insist we be separated over me deciding, conscientiously, that I could not be a witness anymore.

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