What Does the Bible Really Teach??

by insearchoftruth 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fisherman

    Most things in the Bible are not clearly stated or defined. In fact, unless you read the original languages, you are only reading a translation interpreted by the translator and the result is an interprtetation of what the Bible writters wrote. Then the challenge is figuring out what did God mean by what you are reading.

    I have concluded that without the help of God(hs holy spirit) one cannot understand the Bible as a whole picture. Sure, one can study the BIble and learn certain facts.

    While there are diverse beliefs as to what the Bible teaches, there are some things that are clear and solid.

    1 Love your fellow man.

    2 Keep trying not to do things that hurt yourself or others

    3 God will bring relief

    4 God is merciful and will fogive you

    5 expect to suufer but meke the best out of life and try to be happy. God will help help you

    6 God WILL or HAS communicated with you so LEARN TO LISTEN CAREFULLY>

  • erynw

    1 Love your fellow man.

    2 Keep trying not to do things that hurt yourself or others

    3 God will bring relief

    4 God is merciful and will fogive you

    5 expect to suufer but make the best out of life and try to be happy. God will help help you

    6 God WILL or HAS communicated with you so LEARN TO LISTEN CAREFULLY

    There ya go! All fixed.

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