I will tell you why I do. Bear with me because this is going to be a big pity party.
In my life just this last year I have done and survived through a lot of things. I actually am very sensitive to people that I love and their feelings. So some of it I need to not take upon myself, but it does affect me.
I started out last year trying to refinance my home. My soon to be ex-husband (officially) was trying to take me under financially, and doing a good job of it. I refinanced to get rid of a lot of the burden.
I dealt with my youngest going through withdrawal symptoms from the divorce.
I have kept a new business afloat.
I got plucked from my cozy known position at work, and started out anew. I was lost the whole year.
I had to get my son back on medication for depression. And have helped him with his development.
I watched my middle girl develop, and get hormone flashes and periods.
I have watched my mom spiral downward and pull her flesh off of herself. (Literally)
I watched my adopted mom die of cancer. Then I watched my adopted family fall apart without her.
I broke someone’s heart, and I got my heart broken.
I had a surgery on my female parts. So for part of the year, before the surgery, I bled almost every day so hard that I would almost pass out.
This followed by gaining 30 lbs in 2 months. Talk about depressing and hard to deal with all around.
I worked two jobs, fulltime.
I also almost have completed my bachelor’s degree…4 or 5 more classes to go.
I held an officers position as a treasurer in a charity org.
I dealt with my own feelings of having been used in a marriage and for most every day of the work week I still have to see his nasty face.
I stood up to my overbearing (at times) brother. This was bigger than it sounds.
I stepped out of my shell and met some of you.
I gained back my sexuality which was crushed before. (Very emotional thing)
I held my friends hands and hearts while they broke.
I watched a close friend get out of control, run back to meth become a bank robber and get sentenced to 49 some years.
Just this last month has been hell and I really lost my mind for a bit.
And this was actually a good year. A lot of advancement was made. lol
So thus I fluff! Deep conversations are hard for me to grasp onto right now. I sometimes come here and just watch people get silly. Especially as of late.
Why do you fluff?