Fluff- Why?

by Sparkplug 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    I will tell you why I do. Bear with me because this is going to be a big pity party.

    In my life just this last year I have done and survived through a lot of things. I actually am very sensitive to people that I love and their feelings. So some of it I need to not take upon myself, but it does affect me.

    I started out last year trying to refinance my home. My soon to be ex-husband (officially) was trying to take me under financially, and doing a good job of it. I refinanced to get rid of a lot of the burden.

    I dealt with my youngest going through withdrawal symptoms from the divorce.

    I have kept a new business afloat.

    I got plucked from my cozy known position at work, and started out anew. I was lost the whole year.

    I had to get my son back on medication for depression. And have helped him with his development.

    I watched my middle girl develop, and get hormone flashes and periods.

    I have watched my mom spiral downward and pull her flesh off of herself. (Literally)

    I watched my adopted mom die of cancer. Then I watched my adopted family fall apart without her.

    I broke someone’s heart, and I got my heart broken.

    I had a surgery on my female parts. So for part of the year, before the surgery, I bled almost every day so hard that I would almost pass out.

    This followed by gaining 30 lbs in 2 months. Talk about depressing and hard to deal with all around.

    I worked two jobs, fulltime.

    I also almost have completed my bachelor’s degree…4 or 5 more classes to go.

    I held an officers position as a treasurer in a charity org.

    I dealt with my own feelings of having been used in a marriage and for most every day of the work week I still have to see his nasty face.

    I stood up to my overbearing (at times) brother. This was bigger than it sounds.

    I stepped out of my shell and met some of you.

    I gained back my sexuality which was crushed before. (Very emotional thing)

    I held my friends hands and hearts while they broke.

    I watched a close friend get out of control, run back to meth become a bank robber and get sentenced to 49 some years.

    Just this last month has been hell and I really lost my mind for a bit.

    And this was actually a good year. A lot of advancement was made. lol

    So thus I fluff! Deep conversations are hard for me to grasp onto right now. I sometimes come here and just watch people get silly. Especially as of late.

    Why do you fluff?

  • Dismembered

    Hi Sparkplug,

    Sorry of your demise. Keep your chin up. I know it's easy for me to say.

    I fluff because laughter is the best medicine


  • IP_SEC

    I like to play, its easier online.

  • ballistic

    I shouldn't even be on here. You haven't seen me - right?

  • Sparkplug

    Dismembered- thanks

    Actually this was a combo of several things I was going to comment on.

    • One was there are so many people here that have these huge loads, but we don't always see it.

    • Two was an idea of having everyone put up what all happened this year.

    • Three was an explaination as to why I avoid the heavy topics.

    It really is not for an awww-Sparky thread. I know it came off that way, but it was more in line with Andi and her thread on knowing each other. For instance seven006. I had no idea he was going throu all that he is. It is just heartbreaking. There are so many stories. I know some of you outside of here, and I know that you are heavy in the heart. I love you all and I guess I am opening a door to get it all out.

    This is to those of us that suffer in silence.

    There is so much happening and such real pain around, maybe we can all spil today....just a thought.

  • daystar

    I enjoy fluff for some of the same reasons. I can be very serious at times. Too much of that can give a person high blood pressure.

    We have to laugh, at life, at ourselves, at others, with others. If we can't, IMO, life really isn't much worth living.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    (((Sparkplug)))) What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger eh?? Keep your chin up!

    I fluff because I am not nor never was a JW. I can't contribute to most threads, I lurk mostly to try to understand my ex and get a grip on what HE is like now...albeit a bit late. It's more for my son, so I can be better prepared to explain to him that there are options out there for him, and to understand he has a choice.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I don't always do fluff - but it's important to have something lighter for me to fall back on when my thinking is getting too heavy.

    I think in some ways fluff threads are a good place to learn about other posters personalities too. Its the 'socialising' part of the forum.

  • Sparkplug


    I can't contribute to most threads, I lurk mostly to try to understand my ex and get a grip on what HE is like now...albeit a bit late.

    I was a JW and I cannot. I never paid attention at the meetings. And I also try to just understand myself. More like put words to what I already know about myself.


    I can be very serious at times. Too much of that can give a person high blood pressure.

    We have to laugh, at life, at ourselves, at others, with others. If we can't, IMO, life really isn't much worth living.

    Yeah, I have to make my face and shoulders relax all the time. I carry them tight.
  • Brigid


    Wow! You've had a lot of "stuff" going on. I'm glad you're dealing.

    I like fluff for many of the reasons you stated. I also find a lot of truths in "fluff". People letting their hair down and letting people peek at what's behind the mask. It's like a big soul party here in cyberspace. We really only "see" each other as we wish to and as they wish to be seen. I think it's very freeing.

    So, keep the fluff coming!


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