Jehovah's INEFFECTIVE Witness...(Why no TV ministry???)

by Terry 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    IFthey had ever really believed their own "urgent" messege they would not have invested money in stocks, bonds, funds and real estate BECAUSE THE "WICKED SYSTEM" which supports financial structure (by their own admission) was imminently DOOMED!

    The investment program of the Watchtower Society ably demonstrates a confidence in this wicked system of things!!! "Where a man's treasure is his heart will be also."


    Terry has just exposed the Watchtower Society's reasons for everything they do.

  • Terry
    Garybuss: The big problem now, is the message contained in the books produced, is easily seen as flawed because of repeated recent failures of predictions made

    If you want to read a fascinating attempt to stifle the dissemination of Truth about "The Truth" go here and read the arbitration at Wikipedia.

  • Quentin

    Why no TV ministry? No need when you can fleece the flock...

  • DannyHaszard
    "Tricking" people into joining takes some personal interaction you just don't get when you're taking in this stuff on your own.

    Roger that! Whenever anyone/anytime/anywhere in my household has a query about anything at all,we will instantly turn to google keyword search.

    We are country bumpkins live in the woods just close enough to civiliation to be connected to broadband,we are poor and still have 4 PC's in the house.-Danny Haszard

  • Terry

    THAT IS A MARVELLOUS image you have come up with Quentin!!

    That would make a great T-shirt!!


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Terry, another GREAT ESSAY!!! That made a whole lot of sense, I'm printing this out, in hopes of maybe enlightening a few more. THANK YOU


  • Terry
    Terry, another GREAT ESSAY!!! That made a whole lot of sense, I'm printing this out, in hopes of maybe enlightening a few more. THANK YOU

    I've noticed that truly successful businessmen can't ever seem to declare: "Enough!"

    The momentum is addictive.

    People who only have a rationale of fantasy (i.e. religious interpretation of ordinary events) seek refuge in staying busy to give themselves a sense of purpose and progress.

    Arriving at the top of the Jehovah ladder must be a heady experience, indeed.

    But, self-questioning certainly has to kick in somewhere as well.

    "Why me, Jehovah?"

    The silence from such a question must be quite deafening!

    People who run companies or countries appear to me to have an extraordinary helping of self-important power addiction. They feel they DESERVE to lead others and call it public service. But, what they are really doing is getting their hands on everybody's cupcakes like a greedy child at a picnic who can't eat it all, but, who wants it none the less.

    Judge Rutherford was NOT of the anointed by his own admission! Yet, he did all the policy making and much of the writing that steered the religious orthodoxy of Jehovah's Witnesses in spite of NOT BEING SPIRIT LED.

    In other words, he was like a sci-fi writer inventing his own religion! (Shades of L.Ron Hubbard!)

    People can get away such extraordinary flights of fantasy when weak-minded people support their lunatic ravings and buy in to the delusion for their sense of importance. (Anybody ever hear of a guy name Adolf Hitler?)

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was a business at the beginning and it will be at the end. All the trappings of scripture and divine purpose are the drug of choice that keeps the men at the wheel in their happy delusional state.

    The sad and tragic aspect of this religion is that so many people will swallow absolutely ANYTHING the Governing Body wants to invent. What a waste of an otherwise good life!!!

    I think of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

    The average JW has traded their family's cow for some "magic" beans.

    They plant the beans and sit around the rest of their lives waiting for the giant beanstalk to pop out of the ground and take them on their grand adventure in the castle in the sky. But, all they see is a scrawny little stem with ordinary leaves!



  • Quentin
    That Would Make A Great T-Shirt...

    Thanks for the compliment! smart as I am, I can be as dumb as a bucket of rocks

    Anyone that would be interested in making use of that image PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you the jpeg.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    It truly is sad Terry, in one of the fruitless conversations I had with my totally brainwashed regular pioneer mom, she finally said "well if what I am doing (pioneering) proves to be wrong or a waste of time I don't care, because I believe it's doing good and I will do it till the day I die", need I say more? the bastards at the top have promoted this useless pioneering idiocy to give people a sense of importance and a sense that they are doing something to win Jehovah's approval, but in reality it only satisfies the R & F's desire of feeling superior to others who cannot or do not want to participate in this activity. And the WTS Publishing Co. gets these poor blind people to keep pushing this crappy literature and gets the other regular R & F to want to become pioneers so that they can also bask in the glory.

    Hence, the stooooopid pioneer schools with their special secret books and all that nonsense. It's so funny, and sad in hindsight the exhilaration my mom would feel in those things, she would come back from that and you couldn't shut her up about the precious spiritual food that Jehovah had served on their table those days . Then she would tease us about the exclusive priviledge to special information by means of some stupid pioneer book that now I know is nothing more than a condensation of Watchtower articles and other JW literature about preaching. She really refused to let my sister and I see the dumb book, because if we wanted one then we would have to become regular pioneers ourselves and then we could enjoy this spiritual banquet!!!!! AAAAARRRGGGGGHHHH what BULSHIT!!!

    Thanks for this thread Terry, it's a keeper!


  • ICBehindtheCurtain
    Judge Rutherford was NOT of the anointed by his own admission! ; Yet, he did all the policy making and much of the writing that steered the religious orthodoxy of Jehovah's Witnesses in spite of NOT BEING SPIRIT LED.

    HE ADMITTED HE WASN'T ANOINTED ? I didn't know that, can you or anyone post where he said that? I SHURRRE would appreciate that! Thanks,


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