Jw's and rape

by KW13 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • carla

    do they expect the woman to scream and risk getting killed? -----------in short, yes.

    Hasn't this scream doctrine changed back and forth at least 10 times or more in the past 30 years? And what about men who get raped? What is their stance on that? I've never seen anything on it and it does happen.

  • Gill

    The 'demand' for evidence, KW13 is not unique to JWs

    Criminal Courts like to see lots of bruises, marks, damage, cuts etc....otherwise the perp gets away with 'it was consensual sex'. Scream and die. They'll only believe you if you're dead or half dead.

    It's the way of the world I'm afraid. Men win hands up every time if the victim can be silenced. In biblical times, victims were given in marriage to their attackers....nice book the bible.

  • Woodsman

    I actually think the Biblical rules in Deuteronomy are disgusting and degrading of women. The WTS was just trying to do what the Bible says. Notice Deuteronomy makes no allowances like the 03 WT article.

    The rules on screaming seem to apply only to girls who are engaged, if they weren't engaged THEY HAD TO MARRY THE RAPIST.

    Am I getting this wrong?

    If my sister was raped there would be no marraige with the rapist and when I was thru thru there would be no more rapist. Thats my Deuteronomy!

  • yucca

    The JWs are wrong to use those old laws.The scribes and pharisees interpreted the ten commandments in that day. When Jesus came he called them (scribes and Pharisees) snakes and vipers. Jesus talked against the laws of the Pharisees.Woe to you scribes and pharisees,hypocrites ye blind guides you have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgement,mercy,and faith. for ye make clean the outside of the cup and platter,but within they are full of extortion and excess.Outwardly you appear righteous unto men but within full of hypocrisy and iniquity.Jesus warned the disciples Beware of the leaven of the pharisees. Jesus said the Pharisees bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on mens shoulders.So why do the JWS follow the Pharisees . Yucca

  • jojochan
    In understanding the application of Deuteronomy 22:23-27, we must realize that this brief account does not cover all possible situations. For example, it does not comment on the situation where the attacked woman cannot scream because she is mute

    For them to even consider something like this with deuteronomy just bothers me.


  • M.J.

    Notice the wording in the article Blondie posted. You are free of guilt for not screaming ONLY if you are actually incapable of doing so.

    But what if you have a knife to your throat? You have to make a conscious decision on whether or not you want to risk your life by screaming or not. What do you do then?

    In past Watchtower articles, they used to come out and actually say that you are guilty if you do not resist, even if resisting results in your death.

  • pepheuga

    here is a good piece i found on this subject:


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