"Special" meeting in October?

by Esmeralda 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall

    Don't get to excited folks. Fred Hall the cat will probably sneak into the meeting.

  • bluesapphire

    Fred, e-mail me please at [email protected]

  • ozziepost

    Sir Fred,

    How did you get to know about it?


    "A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies"
    ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON, The Grandmother

  • nytelecom1
    Eby, check the date of the annual meeting and compare it with the date for the "special" meeting.

    Notice anything? Did they change their minds?

    eby Interesting that the WT July 1, 2001 announcing the Annual Meeting says:
    "No arrangements will be made for tying in the annual meeting by telephone lines to other auditoriums."
    Wonder why they changed their minds?

    no this is not the annual meeting

  • bluesapphire

    Hey Cat! Or should I say "Tito" hope you do get in so you can tell us what they say.

  • bluesapphire

    Any more info on this special meeting? Heard anything Tito?

  • MadApostate
  • Maximus

    Let it be forever recorded that it was our special gal Esmerelda who first published notice of this historic four-hour meeting as fact.

    And let it be noted that Fred, most interestingly, apparently has some inside info too. Do you have seniority that will let you into the originating location, Freddy? I'm impressed. Are you sure you're not the monitor here?

    There has been gnashing of teeth at this grave security breach.
    No kidding!


  • bluesapphire

    Max, I know you can only say so much to protect yourself and your family but it is in my nature to want more juicy details. What is this meeting going to be about? Is there any tid-bit that you can share with us? Does it have to do with the pedophile catastrophe?

    Sorry if you can't say more it's just that you always leave me with a sweet tooth - it's like taking one little bite of a Snickers bar and then somebody takes the rest away.

  • Esmeralda

    Hey Maximus, :)

    I don't know how 'historic' this thing is gonna be...but we'll see! I casually asked my sister about it today and her reply was that it was no big deal...simply a hook up to listen to the Annual meeting. Her husband is an elder and is supposed to be setting up the sound for the event.

    If you want to know the location they'll be going to, mail me and I'll tell you privately. She might not even make it there herself, however. She's under the impression that it's so minor that she planned a vacation during that week!

    We'll see what happens. I have to laugh to think that my mother could be a security breach *LOL* Any info on what it's really about? e mail me if you can't post it!


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