Mind Control Alert - Watchtower Article - simplifying your life -

by jgnat 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    WT January 1, 2006,"How firm is your trust in God?"

    An anonymous young man with a family is described as quitting a job because it interfered with meeting attendance. The second paragraph goes on,

    Do you understand why that young man took such a step? Can you see yourself taking a similar step if you were in circumstances like his? Commendably, many Christians have and their actions demonstrate their confidence in Jesus' promise: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) They trust in Jehovah for security rather than the secular world.

    The study question asks, "What step as to employment did the young man take, and why?"

    But the paragraph does not answer the "why" question. This is one of the better exampls of the mind control technique where the "why" is left ambiguous, so the reader fills in the gap. By creatively coming up with their own reasons, the reader becomes even more committed to the concept than if the magazine had actually given a legitimate reason.

    How did meeting attendance become equated to righteousness? How do nurses, food industry professionals, and anyone on shift work maintain a vital spiritual life? Maybe meeting attendance and righteousness are separate things? Surely God did not intend to exclude these professions from his Kingdom.

  • jgnat

    Ick. Now they are using one of my favorite illustration, the sparrow. Who doesn't worry about tomorrow. (Matthew 6:26-30)

    I want to know, does the sparrow worry about making every meeting, or getting his field service report in that month?

  • lonelysheep
    "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you."

    Does "seeking" equate to meeting attendance?

    If one does not attend each and every meeting, does that mean he/she stops seeking out god?

    Seeking the kingdom a.k.a. attending every single meeting cannot possibly beneficial when one must worry about paying mortgage/rent, scraping for food, and having enough of the necessities at home.

    Something's wrong if you're praying to find some dollars hidden somewhere around instead of simply working a schedule not on par with the WTS's.

  • jgnat

    Paragraph 7 - another college hit.

    "The majority of humans view material wealth as a major key to security. Hence, parents have encouraged their offspring to invest much of their young adulthood in higher education, hoping that it will prepare them for well-paying careers. Sadly, some Christian families have found the cost of such an investment to be very high, as their children have lost their spiritual focus and turned to pursuing materialistic goals."

    If you know a young JW, take them out for dinner this weekend and let them know they can follow their dreams.

    For those of you feeling education-deprived, I encourage you to at least take a college level critical thinking course, if only for the opportunity to broaden your thinking. "Athabasca University delivers distance education to students around the world. We are an open university with a wide range of excellent courses and programs. We offer you flexibility in your studies to suit your schedule."


  • Legolas
    But the paragraph does not answer the "why" question. This is one of the better exampls of the mind control technique where the "why" is left ambiguous, so the reader fills in the gap. By creatively coming up with their own reasons, the reader becomes even more committed to the concept than if the magazine had actually given a legitimate reason.


  • Finally-Free
    Do you understand why that young man took such a step? Can you see yourself taking a similar step if you were in circumstances like his? Commendably, many Christians have and their actions demonstrate their confidence in Jesus' promise: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) They trust in Jehovah for security rather than the secular world.

    Been there, done that. I was out of work and turning down job offers that would have interfered with meeting attendenceā„¢. I was firm in my conviction that "Jehovah would provide". I ended up losing my apartment. The JWs laughed loudly and publicly at my predicament. If it were not for my parents I would have ended up sleeping in underpasses.


  • Sunspot
    1)How did meeting attendance become equated to righteousness? 2) How do nurses, food industry professionals, and anyone on shift work maintain a vital spiritual life? 3) Maybe meeting attendance and righteousness are separate things? 4)Surely God did not intend to exclude these professions from his Kingdom

    1).....Only after WTS indoctrination can anyone see the connection. Who else could be or would be bothered to give a flip?

    2).....The Golden Apple moldy carrot that the WTS holds up as Utopia---will not need anyone but brainblocked JWs that look like those old pictures of sleepwalkers with their eyes closed and their arms stretched out in front of them as they slowly trudge through life.

    3).....Not according to the WTS cult literature! ALL directions from the imperfekt men in Brooklyn, are edicts from God, or so they claim (wink-wink) and must be obeyed! Their "message" is NOT the Good News of Christ----but the orders to be LOYAL AND OBEDIENT TO US....and our god won't kill you.

    4)....The Watchtowergod wants only those mindless robots (I mentioned a moment ago) to be subjects in his kingdom. Intelligent professional-types need not apply.

  • diamondblue1974
    But the paragraph does not answer the "why" question. This is one of the better exampls of the mind control technique where the "why" is left ambiguous, so the reader fills in the gap. By creatively coming up with their own reasons, the reader becomes even more committed to the concept than if the magazine had actually given a legitimate reason.

    As always Jgnat....spot on!


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Growing up I was not allowed to get a higher education so I could eventually make the better money. Then was pushed into a JW marriage so I had no choice but to take a shift working job to support my family. Maybe if they would have allowed me to get that higher education I would have got a better paying job that wouldn't have been shift work. The society wants it both ways.


  • Shazard

    Yeaaaa... I will never bee JW as my thinking patter would drive nuts the "teacher" if he would ask me so stupid questions.

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