It's one thing to SAY it. Quite another to actually do ANYTHING about it. Cheap platitudes are what this administration is all about.
Dependence and US addiction on Foreign Oil
by stillajwexelder 24 Replies latest social current
will motor bikes still run on local gas and oil? then, yuppers, let's bring it on home!
Dependence and US addiction on Foreign Oil
perhaps you twits need a 12 step program.
It's one thing to SAY it. Quite another to actually do ANYTHING about it. Cheap platitudes are what this administration is all about.
My cynicism towards politicians makes me think this too. It's the same here with Tony Blur. Loads of sound bites but little action. This stuff need's sorting out NOW. Sustainable biofuels and other alternatives have to be the future. A friend of mine even runs his car on used cooking oil. The west is trashing fossil fuel supplies as it is, but when 500,000 chinese have all got a big 4 wheel drive each then it'll be meltdown time. My JW brother in law thinks its not a problem however. He believes the lucky buggers who survive Armageddon will all be using horse based transport.
so are you saying Dubya talks the talk but can not or will not walk the walk
By the end of this year enough money will have been spent on the war in Iraq to build a wind farm in the Dakotas that would supply electricty for 50% of the homes in the USA. If Bush had started this project instead of helping his Texas oil buddies ,the price of oil would be much, much lower today. Instead of a big war deficit , our nation would have a supply of low cost , clean and zero emission renewable energy.
Most of our leaders in the US have all been co-opted by big oil. Congress has had 30 years to prepare for the end of the "oil age" and they have done nothing for our Nation.
jt stumbler
How can you be addicted to a commodity? Thats like saying homebuilders are addicted to lumber...
How can you be addicted to a commodity? Thats like saying homebuilders are addicted to lumber...
The whole way of life, SUVs, pick-up trucks etc , drive though everything depends on crude oil - this has to change
Interesting statement Moshe. It would be nice if those sorts of facts and figures would be tossed out there for everyone to hear during political debates - helps clear the mind a little. sw.
I read that if 10% of the vehicles on the road in the US were hybrids, we would eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. That seems to be a very doable goal, if supply problems are resolved. In addition to mass transit and alternate energy sources, we could also do a better job of building more efficient buildings or retrofitting older buildings. We can set our thermostats lower in winter and higher in summer. We could recycle, buy recycled items.
We can also invest in companies that are in involved in the supply of clean energy. Contact government representatives to indicate this needs to be a priority. Contact companies we do business with, and ask about what they're doing in this area.
I'm concerned about the next generation and what the future holds for them. We can't assume technology will advance fast enough to offset declines in production.
There needs to be strong political leadership that drives through change despite political interests and lobbying in DC. If you wnat to drive an absolutley huge SUV fine , but there should be a cost. I believe in a tax hike on gasoline and crude oil (imported ) and also a challenge to the auto designers in Detroit. Hell if we can land a man on the moon (36 years ago BTW) we can wean ourselves off gasoline