When did you realize that you were part of a cult?

by JH 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    I realized this as a very young child seeing how bizaar our lifestyle was compared to the lives of all my worldly friends......All my friends growing up were non-JW and that was what saved me. I guess my JW parents were a little too liberal with me! lol

  • atypical

    It was when I realized that all the rules are enforced by social pressure. For example, the first time I heard the new announcement, "So and so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses". They wouldn't say it from the platform, but everyone calls that person disfellowshipped; you can't talk to him; and you can be disciplined if you don't follow along. It doesn't say anywhere that you can't have a beard, but try wearing one to the hall and see how you get treated. Try doing anything different from the crowd and see how it goes for you. That's what made me realize something was wrong.

  • skyman

    It was when I did my blood research I realized I had almost sanctified my daughter to the Cult of Blood that was when I realized I was in a cult. From that time on I took a plan of action to fade but then the UN deal hit and I no longer had any doubts when the Elders told me that if the society told me that my left hand was my my right then from then on it was right not my left hand.

  • greendawn

    I realised it about a year after I left, because of the totalitarian attitude that is, they wouldn't even tolerate well meaning advice because it meant running ahead of the FDS, a big crime in JW ideology.

    And if they accepted as correct an "apostate's" ideas years later, not only they wouldn't apologise to him but they would also continue to shun him. That was too much for me and I realised they were wolves in sheep's clothing.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    What made you realize that the JW's is a cult?

    when i started reading the psychology section on freeminds.org


  • Crumpet

    About 7 years after my 3rd disfellowshipping

  • JH
    after my 3rd disfellowshipping

    Would it be correct to say that you were naughty?

  • Crumpet

    No JH I was a normal teenager!

  • Lapuce

    When they try to control what you think all the time, and putting everyone down except for the dubs.


  • daystar


    About 7 years after my 3rd disfellowshipping

    Aw puddin', stubborn much?

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