Are you allowed to fall asleep at the meetings now??

by stillAwitness 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • atypical

    I went to part of the Circuit assembly last weekend with my wife. I settled in and tried to go to sleep. I figured, hey, now I won't feel guilty about it. But would you believe it, I couldn't! Even though I didn't want to, I paid closer attention than I ever did before. It was because every little thing they said from the platform drove me out of my skull, and I would flip through my bible looking for good answers to what they were saying. Then when they read a letter from the society saying, "what better way to show our appreciation than to make a contribution, using the boxes placed around the assembly hall", I knew there was no chance. I went home before the baptism talk and watched tv.

  • TallTexan

    If they allow sleeping at the KH now, all they have to do to boost #'s is recruit some homeless folks. They'd love to have a warm place to nap for a few hours...

    I guess they simply don't realize that people who are sick and/or tired will not show up to hear another WTS infomercial. Maybe if they had ANY new information or ANYTHING exciting to discuss that getting people to the meetings wouldn't be so hard....

  • undercover

    I knew one pompous, over-righteous SOB of an elder who slept through all the meetings. He'd sit in the back, near the "family rows" and his head would fall back and he'd drift off to sleep. He'd wake himself up evey few minutes, put on some show of looking up a scripture or attending to some elder paperwork. Eventually he'd drift back off to sleep. Sometimes he snored.

    This same brother was the WT study conductor. He'd come in late to the public talk, sleep through the talk and then wake up in time to do the study. He also never came prepared for the study. His magazine was never studied or marked. The funniest time was when he forgot his magazine and he was running around the hall during the song before the study started looking for a spare magazine. I was the attendant on duty that day, and one of my chores was to take the extra mags from the magazine servant to distribute to other lost souls who didn't have a magazine either. When I saw him running around looking for a mag, I hid the stack of extras and when he came to me to see if we had extras, I said, "sorry, we're out" just to watch him squirm. He ended up taking his wife's magazine and made her share with someone else. What a loser.

  • Think

    Yes! Yes ! Yes! Attend ALL MEETINGS. lISTEN CAREFULY. Be ready for instructions how to program yourself for selfdestruction, how to give to us your money, possesions, banks accounts, your life, labor, your SO U L ! HEY ! The David Koresz, /Waco/ ji jones/Heaven gates/ is pale, what we are preparing for YOU !

  • wombat

    Hello to Think.......

    I've just being going through your previous posts.

    Are you on medication right now?

    Some of your posts are well spelled and lucid - and others read like they were written by a five year-old.

    I recall a character called Defed who had the same problem. Maybe you should look him up.

  • blondie

    I remember a sister who believed such a thing and brought her children to the meeting with chicken pox. It spread like wildfire in the congregation even infecting a few adults who had some how missed it in childhood. It is much more serious when you are an adult. After that, the elders said that if you had a communicable disease, you should stay home.

    I knew many elders who never went to meetings when they were on vacation. I wonder what category that comes under?

  • Think

    Refer to medication: YES ! i AM STILL ON MEDICATION! THE WT spell / 'HOLY' INSTRUKTIOSN HOW TO BE THE MOST HAPPIES PERSON IN THE WORLD../worst damagin drug ever.

    When I see people leavin WT by millions, I thin they have realised the effect of the WT drug on themselves.

    New Light from Brothers: END IS NEAR, please come to our compound in WAco NY, we will be attacket by "wordly Powers" to destroy us

  • wombat

    Think...You are so much an attention getter...Don't you have a real life?

    You keep appearing on this site under so many names. I don't think that you have a motive other than to get attention to yourself. But I must admit that I loved your previous Bulgarian persona.

    You must be very lonely.

  • blondie

    Sleeping is allowed but snoring and falling out of the chair are out.

  • AlmostAtheist
    And so the sercuit overseer concluded with: "Unless you are broken and bleeding then you should be at your meetings."

    When I read Brave New World I was struck by the fact that the people had little rhymes drilled into them since they were infants. None come to mind, but the characters would recite them whenever they were faced with decisions. The little rhymes would come up and tell them what to do.

    What struck me, of course, was how those same little couplets got drilled into us as JW's. Who could forget "When in doubt, leave it out"? And here we have "Unless you're broken and bleeding/then you should be at your meeting."

    Unforgettable, short rhymes by which the masses are controlled.


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