My Sercuit Overseer is a JERK!

by stillAwitness 33 Replies latest jw friends


    They act like a manager would when a company executive or regional manager stops by. The CO's realize this and take advantage of it by abusing their power. The CO visit is time for the Elders to re-acquire the taste of excrement as they jockey for assembly parts and more power in the cong. So stupid... I pretended to be sick one night on our last CO visit.. I really dont give a crap anymore.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Oh I can't wait for the next C.O. visit ,since his last encouraging stay I know for sure of 3 newly inactive ones ( my family) . I wonder if we will be honored by sheparding calls the week before he comes ,or maybe the illustrious one will come visit our humble abode himself .GEE that would be just swell ! Joking aside, I really do like the C.O. we have right now , has a good sense of humor and really likeable . Just makes me sad to see people like that caught up so fervently with the "lie". I wonder if I could get on common ground with him so as to anti- witness to him? His big thing is to be conversational, and let the householder have their own opinion by always replying "well that certainly is one way to look at it ".Maybe I'll try that one on him.

  • Balsam

    Boy do I remember those Circuit Overseer visits twice a year. Some of them inspired such fear and terror that Elders would nearly wet themselves when they knew the CO was coming. Some were nice and the Elders would sigh with relieve that a nice one had been assigned to them. About 1/3 of the CO's were mean though, I'm sure because of pressure the Society put on them.

    I remember when my JW husband was an Elder and some very old dude called Bro Bennett back in the 1970's in Seagrove NC came around. Boy he screamed and yelled and the rank and file heard it from outside of closed doors when he dressed down the Elders the first night. The Elders would emerge red faced with heads hanging. The man was just awful. His talke to the congregation was filled with shame and cruelty to those who did not make every meeting and go in service each week. He's dead now I'm sure, but he was really the worst of the worst.


  • stillAwitness

    . Every time someone made a comment and no one could hear them most of the congregation would turn around and look in my direction. I assume they were all too stupid to know that there was a switch on the microphone, and that the mic handler was too stupid to turn it on

    LOL! So true! Cause you know the mic handler is always some pimple faced 17 year old kid who still needs the WT conductor to point out some of the sisters and brothers to him. "Uhh..that Sis. Miller in the very back corner with the red hair, please. No..that Sister Mizner...I said Miller boy!"

    Yeah, I'll admit-I'm one of those that turns around towards the sound booth too.

  • stillAwitness

    Oh and get this guys!

    He told the congregation that he has been "feeling a little under the weather" and told us sisters to "Please refraim from wearing any perfumes or hand lotions" because it will interfere with his already stuffy nose.

    How you gonna tell an audience of a 160 people to not wear perfume just to suit your own needs?

    I wanted to SCREAM!

  • xjwms


    So you are having a Speciallll weeek with the CO

    I remember those kinda weeks. I would take off and work in the same car group, .. and, I always bought lunch.

    Sooo far from that now....whew

  • TallTexan
    I wonder if I could get on common ground with him so as to anti- witness to him?

    You'd probably have better luck getting Al Sharpton to a Klan rally.....

  • Finally-Free
    Cause you know the mic handler is always some pimple faced 17 year old kid

    heheheh. We had a shortage of "qualified brothers" so all the elders took turns handling mics too. Many times they needed to be reminded that the microphone had a switch on it. The unbaptised 10 year old boy never had a problem with the microphone, and neither did the unbaptised guy who had downs syndrome. It was usually the elders and ministerial servants who couldn't find the switch.


  • undercover
    Please refraim from wearing any perfumes or hand lotions" because it will interfere with his already stuffy nose.

    Well, you know of course you should just load up on some cheap perfume from Wal-Mart, slather your hands in some hand lotion and go up and engage him in a several minute long conversation before the meeting...

  • atypical

    Man, I remember those days. Finally Free, I used to get steamed about the same thing. No matter what happened, everyone would turn around and look at me in the sound booth. One time, when everyone turned around to look at me, I turned around to mimic them and looked at whatever was behind me. Another time, everyone turned around to stare, so I got up and walked over to the drinking fountain.

    COs are almost always pricks. One thing I love about my dad: even though he is an elder, I have seen him stand up to COs several times, even getting downright nasty and going over their head to the DO, then the society if he had to. Every single time it was a matter of the CO trying to push one of his pet peeves like it was a law from the society. I always thought that was so cool that my dad wasn't afraid to make the CO hate him. There was one issue that my dad fought so hard he actually got the CO removed. Snap!

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