What is your rating?

by billyboy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    An 8 most of the time, occasionally an 11. Not the rabid part, but I see the subtle and not-so-subtle damage the Society has done to so many people, myself included, and I would take down the WTS in a second.

    But I also think of the damage that would do to people that I still love very much - my ex-in-laws for instance. I don't know that they've ever had an original thought in their lifetimes. Now as they face death as still faithful JWs, to pull that frame of belief out from under them would seem awfully cruel. How would they do without someone telling them how to live and think?

    Some might say how it would be better for them to face death knowing the truth about the truth, but I'm not so sure. I'm sure of all the billions of people who have lived and died, most have died still holding firmly to false beliefs about life and death and what happens after we die. We think that life is some great journey to an ultimate truth at times, when the reality is that life is mostly trying to stay alive and enjoy the day.


  • Honesty
    What is your rating?


  • unique1

    About a 5. I believe to each his own. Do what makes you happy religion wise.

  • Brigid

    hmmmm....great question!! For the most part, I agree with the above thought: To each his own. Also, it would hurt many people if their constructs (even correctly so) were pulled out from under them. I'm about a 6/7. I don't want to see the utter demise of the organization (but would not lose sleep if they render themselves extinct for lack of evolution) but with this caveat I want honesty and full disclosure especially to those who are being converted and to those who happen to be raised in it. If you still decide to be a Jehovah's Witness, more power to you. There also has to be a graceful way to leave without smear and breaking up families.

    I have a theory that religions are kind of like "Holding pens" for different souls. We're all on different paths that lead ultimately to the same place (no, I don't claim to know what waits there at the end--possibly only death). But at this point in our evolution most serve a useful function.


  • Carmel

    Here I thought this was a thread on "Know Your Credit Score"!

    Gosh! None of the qualifiers apply! JWs sincerity is no different than that of those in other religions, also the life style is no more or less hypocritcal than others. I'm just glad I saw the hypocracy early in life and got out before I wasted a lot of energy in persuing a JW career.

    If you must I'm a 7.5


  • Undecided

    I don't really know. I had a good life as a JW back when I was young, it was quite different than today. I had a loving family and we had fun at assemblies and other events together. I had a really good worldly friend that I grew up with too, and in school we were always together and did things like playing basketball, in the glee club, etc. without being condemed by the congregation.

    I would like to see the controlling old men in Brooklyn exposed as to their arrogant claims of being God's only one's who can communicate with him and everyone else in the world must accept their "truth".

    I haven't been trying to destroy anyone's faith yet, but I have been saying what I think lately to those who ask.

    Ken P.

  • Genesis

    Humm, right now Im a 7 and I live my youth but one day I swear that if the Watchtower still exist in 15 years I will tear it apart (im develloping useful ideas like the use of Memetic). Then I will be 100 and you will remember my name. Hypocrisy will end, sooner or later.

    Genesis, never apostate to Love

  • greendawn

    I am on 10 but I must clarify that I think of most R&F JWs as being victims themselves of the WTS manipulation.

  • jeanniebeanz

    9.999... Not quite ready to buy the rocket launchers... lol


  • ColdRedRain


    naww, just kidding. probably a 6. To the point where I think the org's a sham but won't go out of my way to stop the organization. I've better things to do with my life, like going to school and doing tae kwon do.

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