heehee, today is the day....

by BlackSwan of Memphis 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • willowmoon

    Meagan, just like many others here, lots was said and done that is unbelievable.

    The biggest problem I had with it was trying to understand why this God, in whom I had so much love and faith for helping me find the strength to heal, would be displeased about my not having hair .

    I have it figured out now, and it's more funny than anything else at this point.

    But getting back to you and your new look --- it IS what's on the inside that counts. Have fun discovering the real you, but do stay respectful of your body, don't hurt yourself!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I think that moderation is a big key factor in making any decision.

    Something that is missing in the Org.

    There is a store in the local mall that I really like, Hot Topic, and many of the people that work there are pretty goth.

    One time, the daughter of the po in our hall said something to me like..

    “The people that work at that store are scary.”

    Now, that bothered me, more because it reflected what many in the congregations think.

    I had an interesting conversation with the manager a couple of months ago.

    Let me set the situation:

    She had just tattooed across her hands “love life” a letter for each finger. She had piercing, and funky hair.

    As always, she was, as were the rest of the workers there, incredibly helpful and nice.

    I complimented her on her tattoo. It led to a conversation where I learned she teaches Sunday school, goes to church and loves God.

    This is just her way of expressing herself. And she said how often, people come into the store making comments to the effect that it was a demonic store and they were evil etc.

    She just wishes people could look past the outside appearance.

    I’ve heard it said that the way we dress reflect who we are.

    Why does it have to mean that if a person chooses to have piercing and tattoos and whatever, that they are demonic or whatnot?

    I always loved Cyndi Lauper. When she was pregnant with one of her kids, I thought, what a lucky kid. To have a mom that is not afraid of the world to be who she needs to be to express what she needs to express.
    Gwen Stefani is pregnant. She really seems to love life. Lucky kid.

    Well, I’ll play safe.

    So far…the black has really started to come out. Oh wow, this is pretty cool!

    How long ago was that with the chemo? Are You staying healthy?!


  • willowmoon

    That's a good lesson in not judging by appearance Meagan. Something we all need to keep in mind.

    Outward appearance can be a reflection of a person within... an expression of creativity and love for oneself. I think many who get tattoos and body piercings are actually showing love of their bodies by wanting to adorn them with beautiful things.

    The chemo was a little over two years ago, a recurrence of a previous cancer that needed to be treated aggressively. Yes, I'm fine and keep myself healthy, thanks for asking!

    So............................. are you a ravishing blonde yet???????


  • Robdar

    Hair color experimentation is so much fun! Post pictures. I want to see.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Meagan,

    Gina dyed her hair, got a tattoo, and got a nose stud. She loves her new look. Enjoy yourself!


  • greendawn

    That's great you are telling them that they shouldn't be so horribly legalistic like the pharisees and go by the letter rather than by the spirit.

  • OICU8it2

    Go for it Black Swan of Memphis!!! I've been a bleached blonde for 2 years and love it and I'm an old coot. (56)

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ravishing blonde, it’s getting there. Between keeping the kids busy and safe and keeping my hair safe and keeping my sanity, it’s slowly getting there.

    Tell Gina she rocks! That’s what I am starting with, a nice stud.

    Greendawn, that was very eloquently worded. I have often used that word in describing many sorts of people. Pharisee. I wish more would understand that it is not about law or scroll, but it is about the spirit.

    But that is a personal and spiritual thing.

    OIC- 56 is Not old. Old is not a matter of age. (until you get to be ‘round 120) it really is a matter of your mind and spirit.

    My youngest keeps asking when we can put the red in..lol.

    The suspense is killing me. My husband is pretty excited. He gets to have, er, uhm, (ahem) relations with a blonde. Haha.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Robdar, if I can figure out how to download pics from my digi cam and then figure out to how post the pics the right way, I will post pics.

    It is fun


  • IronClaw

    If they are pictures from the internet just highlight and copy and when you are in the reply box just click the 'Clipboard' picture.

    Now if they are pictures from your computer go to www.tinypic.com and upload it then hit the host button....when it is hosted click on the picture and another box will open...highlight the picture and copy it go to the reply box and click the clipboard thing!

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