heehee, today is the day....

by BlackSwan of Memphis 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I lose the dub look.

    In comes experimental hair color.

    Bleach blond with red.

    Soon a pierced nose.

    A few years ago I did ruby highlights on black and my sister outright said it was too punky and the elders would more than likely take away my privileges.

    This is my way of "stickin' it to the man" (ok, I got that from the sprint commercial, but it sounds good.)

    My husband loves it. I started the process last night, but my hair is so dark, it's taking 2 days.

    It should be interesting running into people from ye ol' hall.


  • blondie

    Imagine, the WTS thinks there is some Bible principle about hair style. If that were true, all the women could never have hair shorter than shoulder length or be considered a hussy.


    w51 2/15 p. 127 Questions from Readers ***


    is the understanding today of the command to women not to cut their hair?—F. A., Tennessee.

    Respecting the cutting of women’s hair, referred to in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, this does not refer to cutting it to shorten it for convenience’ sake but still leaving a feminine touch to it, but cutting it short like a man’s so as to resemble a man and thereby remove this natural God-given sign of woman’s subjection to man and of the church’s subjection to Christ her head.

    So how short is short, resembling a man?

    Have fun but be careful, you don't want to be bald.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thanx Blondie!

    This Is fun. I feel free today. Yesterday at the mall I got completely shunned by a group of my old friends.

    And it didn't make me sad, or mad, it made me laugh. I felt like waving my hands in their faces and going BOO!

    I feel like finally, this is my life now. It doesn't belong to a group of ol' men.

    It belongs to me.

    And.... yeah, baldness was a concern, so far, hair is holding up well.

    Although just in case it all backfired and my hair disintergrated, I had a back up plan....

    Tatoo a peace sign on my head.


  • freedomlover


    LOL! I'd love to see the finished product.

    let's see who can get their nose pierced first, I just got my bellybutton done and the nose is next.

    You go girl!!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Aight, it's a plan!

    My hubby is coming with me to get his second tatoo.

    If I can figure out how to post pics I'll post the finished product.

    I want one more tatoo on the small of my back, I just don't know what.

    ....what to get...what to get...


  • IronClaw
    Have fun but be careful, you don't want to be bald.

    Hey Blondie, I resemble that remark.

    Black Swan, freedom is great. I now sport a well trimmed beard. Always wanted one, and could never understand the WT stand on them. They always told me that it may stumble some. If a beard stumbles someone then I guess they didn't have the right heart condition to begin with.

    I think peirced belly buttons are sexy.

  • blondie

    Clarification: Bald by accident not by design. Hair dye if not applied properly can make one's hair all fall out. I posted on here that I love bald men and think that if a woman chooses to be bald, go for it. But if that is not your goal, be careful with the hair dye.

  • willowmoon

    Wow Blondie, you never cease to amaze me with what you dig up!

    I was talked to for exactly those reasons when I was bald from chemo. They said the respectful thing would be to wear a hat and wig so as not to make the rest of the congregation uncomfortable. Who knows, they might have even used your same reference, I was too sick to absorb most of what they said.

    With your knowledge and ability to research and apply these obscure references, you'd make a great elder -- that is, if you just weren't so kind spirited!

    Swan, enjoy your morph into becoming your own person! Don't worry -- if you go bald, it'll grow back!!!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I can’t believe that they said that to you Willow. That is just wrong. As if you weren’t going through enough.

    Hair is not what makes a person beautiful or not beautiful. (I personally find bald men with the little fuzzy chin pretty hot)

    Blondie is pretty amazing with what she digs up. And it’s not like it takes her two weeks, like it would me.

    My husband has always sported some fuz on his face, and it always got to him, that If he wanted to study and become a dub, he would have to change his entire look just to be accepted. That was one of the things that held him back, I’m glad.

    Belly button piercing…..

    I keep thinking that it would get caught in a sweater and ouch!!!


  • IronClaw
    Hey Blondie, I resemble that remark

    Sorry, I forgot to add LMAO at the end of that sentence.

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