Did you ever have a crush on a married Brother or Sister?

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    I've never had a crush on any JW, married or not.

  • divejunkie

    Not personally, but I know of an elder that had a "fatal attraction" thing going on with one married sister.

    And there is this sister in my parents cong. that is always flirting shamelessly with the elders, ms, and any other married guy she likes. My mother hates her gutts!!

  • Calliope

    crushes? many times.

    funny thing though, i had a dream about a married bro last night. he was like "it's my birthday, what are you gonna get me as a gift?" and due to the fact that my arm was in a cast and i had no control over it, i "accidently" slapped his ass. He was all like "ohhhh" and i gave it some thought and finally answered "maybe that's just a taste of what's to come".

  • buffalosrfree

    Just on the brothers hands when i shook hands with them, I have very strong hands and just loved crushing thier hands the pussies. especially those brothers who give you the dead hand shake.

  • NeonMadman

    When I was pioneering - I guess I was about 20 - there was a young married sister who was a couple years older than me . She was beautiful, and her husband was a non-JW and an abusive creep. I had a major crush on her for a while. Dont even know if she stayed a JW, I haven't seen her or heard about her in like 30 years.

  • fairchild
    Did you ever have a crush on a married Brother or Sister,

    oh yes! Sniff, I even catered his fiancee's bridal shower. I haven't seen them since I left a year ago, but he was always a very fine and pleasant young man. (Too young for me, actually).

  • stillAwitness

    YES! Dear God, there is this new brother in my hall whose also got 3 kids but hell, the brother is FINE FINE FINE!

    But I've always been attracted to the very, suave, older man especially if they were married. (I guess its the thrill but then again it was more exciting when I was 17 and still a minor cause I knew I could always have the upper-hand)

    He looks at me funny all the time. its obvious he's attracted to me but right now he's on his best behavior as he triest to climb the never-ending "spiritual" DUB ladder (you know the types-always taking the substitute talks at the last minute, making sure to give such 'wonderful' comments BLAH )

    And his wife! Sheesh! The chick can't be that much older than me but he's gotta be well into his 30's. I bet they have awful sex, its just written all over there body language. And she's a total Stepford Wife. Stay at home, have his dinner ready when he gets home. How sad cause she's still so young.

    Breakaway: Wife says i'm not allowed to cheat on her IF the girl is uglier than her. If the girl is prettier than it's ok.

    Strange! I'm the complete opposite. It would piss me off if the chick my man cheated on me was prettier than me. But if she's fat and ugly than so be it! But I suppose it still would be just as insulting either way.

  • AlmostAtheist
    The chick can't be that much older than me but he's gotta be well into his 30's.

    Oh god, he's practically DEAD! Surely you're exaggerating! 30's? No way! :-)

    Dave of the "practically dead" class

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes. And his son had a huge crush on me (I rather enjoyed it, too). The father and both of the sons were so interesting and I found them attractive. They were all very talented musicians. I took guitar lessons from the older son for a year.

    There was another brother. He was so handsome, kind and smart. He had at one time rode Harley's with other brothers and CO's.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The reason so many beautiful sisters are married to nerds is because there are slim pickens in the org dating pool. Those same beautiful sisters would not have looked twice at a lot of those dorks had there been lots of choices. Been there, done that.

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