Stupid Rush Limbaugh comment

by Vormek2.8 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44


    You make an excellent point. That is why I don't listen to Rush at all anymore on the radio, or read books by/about him, or, usually, talk about him.

    When one realizes that Rush doesn't say ANYTHING at all that is useful, or of importance, then one also realizes that there is no need to talk about him at all.

    If he is anything at all, then Rush Limblah is a distraction to consideration of more important things in life.


  • ColdRedRain

    Hence why Rush Limbaugh is a political radio host with an economically right wing bend and not a geologist. You don't hear too many geologists trying to debate Adam Smith.

  • VM44

    Then perhaps Rush Limbaugh should not talk about things that he knows not.

    As for debates, it is interesting to note that Rush Limbaugh will NOT debate with anyone on anything!

    Why? The answer is simple, Rush cannot control what happens in a debate, he might lose and look bad!

    Rush's EGO couldn't handle that.


  • breeze

    Rush represents the conservative right. He is a republican and defends the current regime in Washington and will not talk for the most part to anyone on his show that disagrees with his position. He does however dicuss topics of the day as most talk show hosts do, and offers a very different view some times. Rush does on occassion get caught up in some things that are on the fring of reality. Right after the Katrina storm he agreed with some callers that the government had connections to blowing up the damns that kept New Orleans safe from flooding. If you want to listen to a c ontroversial talk show host that is very entertaining, tune into Michael Savage. He has the same Right Wing approach for the most part but has a different way of disussing the same issues the Rush addresses. He is a bit narrow but his views are very good and thought provoking. He doesn't like Gays, sorry joelbear! I also love Dr Laura Slesinger.....she helps people throuh tough times in their life. BREEZE

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    No use trying to reason with someone with an IQ of a potato.


  • DanTheMan

    He lost me years ago when he referred to Kurt Cobain as being "human debris". Not that I had any use for him prior to that, but that sealed it in my mind that the guy has not a single clue. Never paid a lick of attention to him after that. He's just a fat loudmouth.

  • watson

    I had the pleasure to meet Rush a few times on business matters. Always a gentleman. Quite different than his on air personality. He is responsible for changing the face of radio (talk radio) in this country. Before Rush, talk radio was nowhere....and yes, he is in it to entertain and make money.

  • atypical

    If Rush couldn't keep making people mad, he wouldn't have as big an audience, and he would lose his job. His job is to get people to listen. The more people who talk about him, including the ones who hate him, the better job he is doing. JoelBear is right, he is a shockjock.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I would much rather see legitimate idealogical discussions rather than all of this ad hominem bantering. Such argumentation gets old rather quickly, is invalid, and does little other than stroking the egos prevalent in this discussion.

  • JAVA

    I saw a bumper sticker that expresses my opinion nicely:


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