LETTER I got from somebody who read my story on FREE MINDS

by Terry 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    To: [email protected]
    Sent: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:44:47 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: Your article on Freeminds

    Hi Terry, I read what you wrote on "My Life in Jehovah's Service"

    I feel for you. You seem like a good person that went through a lot of bad stuff. All I can tell you is, remember Judas? He was one of the 12 apostels of Jesus. Like Jesus apostels, the watchtower may have a few judasis in there. What you did was for Jehovah,and Jehovah has not forgotten what you did in service all those years. You have learned your lesson not to put your trust in men "watchtower society", but put your trust in Jehovah, if you believe he exists. There are many Judasis in the Watchtower, but that is no reason to abandon God. Nobody knows when the end will come, not even Jesus! How can the Watchtower predict such things? You have a choice. The watchtower is there to help us understand the bible better and that's it. Anything else they say does not come from Jehovah! Who can be compared to Jehovah? Jehovah is love, Jehovah does not wish anyone to die, many who are not Jehovahs witnesses will survive the end and many who are Jehovahs witneeses will not because they are wicked in their hearts. Goodbye Terri, and remember, the choice is yours.

    Hi There Mikel,
    Thanks for taking the time to write to me. I appreciate your point of view and that it is deeply felt.
    I'd only say this to you. The whole point in Jesus returning to rule over his own hand-picked righteous government is to demonstrate the superiority of God's rule over man's. Does it make sense that Jesus would have people running his earthly government (as faithful and discreet choices) who constantly run ahead of the messege and heap shame upon his father's name by holding him up to ridicule?
    (Prophecy that doesn't happen and doctrinal confusions)

    The brothers and sisters who remained in the Kingdom Halls since 1975 have seen how the organization has tightened up CONTROL. They are in a defenseive control mode and a crackdown has continued because of the internet's ability to expose all the shameful lies, errors, misrepresentations and backpeddling that have been wrought in the name of Jehovah.

    Jesus could easily set matters straight IF he were dealing with THIS group (JW's) of human representatives. But, it is obvious that the mismanagement of the Watchtower philosophy just drags on and on and on without end. These people choke on the chicken bone of their own errors. (Jesus has nothing to do with them.)
    There is little difference between the kind of stranglehold the administration of the Watchtower Society has and that of the Catholic Church. They even handle the issue of lawsuits over blood and child molestation the same with with a bunker mentality and counter-attacks.

    This organization does not represent the best Jesus can do and certainly is a laughing stock when it comes to showing the world what Jehovah's character or plan or administration is all about.

    You'd do well to detach your loyalty from people who have constantly demonstrated their ideology of error and self-defenseive propaganda and become aware that you do not serve god by defending them.

    Thanks for you concern,

  • GetBusyLiving

    Poor Dub. Nice response as usual Terry.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Mikel didn't tell you how to identify the Jude-asses. Obviously at least SOME of them must be in positions of authority. I think it is better to play safe and ignore the whole lot of them, and just do what Jehovah himself personally tells you to do.

    I know in my case I must be doing OK, because Jehovah hasn't told me to change anything yet.

    I'll bet it's the same for you Terry, and for everyone else here.

    Yessir, Jehovah is copacetic with the whole worldwide apostate community.

  • sf

    Nice to see you Terry.

    The watchtower is there to help us understand the bible better and that's it.

    I'd ask them how they think and feel about this bit of old light, and if indeed they consider it to be such {thx GaryB}:

    "Also, we must not only publish books about or in explanation of the Bible; we must also help the Bible readers to understand these Bible-explaining books, …" (The Watchtower Nov. 15, 1961 p.694)


  • Mary
    Does it make sense that Jesus would have people running his earthly government (as faithful and discreet choices) who constantly run ahead of the messege and heap shame upon his father's name by holding him up to ridicule? (Prophecy that doesn't happen and doctrinal confusions)

    Excellent point Terry!

  • willyloman

    Terry: That was the best response imaginable! Nice work.

  • Terry

    TRUE BELIEVERS are everywhere.

    Dangerously beautiful is the mindlock of their absolute certainty! It is their forcefield shield against sanity.

    What the True Believer craves when you puncture their bubble is something equally absolute to replace it. And that is the rub, indeed.

    I KNOW is so much more victorious-sounding than I DON'T KNOW.

    Unless you barter with them on those terms they refuse to consider the offer of reality over the picture-perfect facade of "truth" as tasty as waxed-fruit.

    But---I've detected something very suspicious.

    The subconscious mind often evidences a quickening.

    Why would any CONVINCED JW defy the strong admonitions of their fearless leaders by contacting an avowed APOSTATE?

    Indeed, why would any rank and file JW even visit an APOSTATE website or hurl a challenge into the midst of ones so "dangerous" to their programming?

    My theory: THEY KNOW at some deep human level that they fool themselves!

    Their challenges and their insults and their pity and their taunts serve another purpose altogether.

    Shall I tell you what I think it is?

    I think it is to TEST themselves.

    They want to emerge victorious in revealing apostates to be merely shameless selfish cretins empty of purpose and defiled in heart and language. By pushing a button inside us their taunt will anger us into snapping at them in a way that uncovers the maggot-infested emptiness of our own consciousness (by JW standards). Satisfied we have nothing to offer them; they can turn back in full confidence they are safe in Jehovah's loving ark of salvation.

    That is why I try to be warm and understanding whenever possible and try to reach them with reasonable responses instead of blowing them out of the water with some devastating riposte.

    Sometimes I just can't help it though.


  • jeeprube
    Dangerously beautiful is the mindlock of their absolute certainty!

    I don't mean to suck up here, but that is AWESOME! You write very well!

  • greendawn

    The watchtower keeps changing its truth like shirts and so theirs can not be the real truth, the latter is eternally unchanging. So why believe anything that comes from doctrinally totally incompetent leaders?

  • IronClaw

    Nice job Terry, Thats usually my first response, to lash back with what I now know to be "truth". Hasn't worked well. Gotta try a different approach. I must say though, that those I have had a "Polite discussion" with have never been able to answer any of my probing questions. Three different Jw's that I have asked about the Mexico/Malawi situation,( one being an elder ) all 3 said they would get back to me. It's been over a year now and I am still awaiting their response.

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