Yankee Stadium? Not again!

by truthsetsonefree 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    it looks like it's back to Yankee.

    Is that where they said, millions now living would never die?


    Heard that rumor as well.. for those of you who have never been to Yankee for a DC (I went to one 17 yrs ago) let me tell you, it SUCKS!! The WT is absoloutely insane to even think that one can pay attention sitting in the hazy, hot, humid, 90 degree NYC summer. Glad I wont be attending this one...

  • freedomlover

    UGHH!! Yankee Stadium....

    I attended all my DC's there as a kid...

    18 years of hot, humid, smelly, crowded, and sometimes pouring rain, assemblies

    glad I won't be there.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I went to all my DCs in NYC as a kid, too.

    I remember having it at Aqueduct Racetrack one year, where the highlight of the day was when the water truck came out to sprinkle water on the dirt track.... the dirt that was newly wetted was darker, and by the time the truck made it around the track, it had dried up again and was lighter... and the truck went around...and around.. and around.... and around... and then I'd get smacked in the arm by my loving mother for not paying attention to the program in the 90 degree heat.... good grief.

    We had one year, where the planes flew so low over the stadium that the speaker literally had to stop speaking while the plane flew over because it was so loud. Once when it started pouring rain, the most 'faithful' remained in their seats, simply opening up their umbrellas, while the people who still had brains went in under cover......

    Those were the days.... NOT!


  • enlightenedcynic

    I attended conventions at both Aqueduct Racetrack and Yankee Stadium...pretty bad. But to me...by far, the worst convention locations were Giant's Stadium in Jersey and the old Vet Stadium in Pennsylvania. You want to talk about hot and miserable..nothing can top those places. I think it was either '83 or '84 at Giant's Stadium, it poured rain all 4 days of the convention. I was 9 and I remember seeing parents with small children, old ones and wheelchair confined individuals standing in the corridors because the only seats available were in the rain. People from my congregation stayed on the bus that we chartered during huge chunks of the program. Yep..those were the days!!!

  • undercover

    I've heard a lot of people compaing about Veterens Stadium in Philly but it can't be any worse than Atlanta in the summer. They don't call it Hotlanta fer nuthin. I remember going to Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium for week long assemblies. If I remember right, they were THREE sessions a day instead of two. Hotter'n hell and then as if on cue, every afternoon a thunderstorm would roll through. As a kid, that was the best part, running around in the rain after sitting in sweltering heat all day.

  • ramtrucker

    My parents took me to New York for the 1953 assembly, I was 12 + at the time. We stayed at the camping grounds set up in New Jersey. We lived in Central Washington at the time in the lower Yakima Valley. I'll never forget the young girl from Florida that was camping near by and spent quite a bit of time visiting us at our little spot. My mother washed clothes by hand one day, and the little girl asked her about my undershorts hanging on the line, as she'd never seen the like. I was so embarrassed. She related to my mother that her brothers didn't wear underwear. LOL We did go into the assembly grounds one day, riding with friends from our congregation, in their borrowed International Pickup truck. We also visited the Radio Station WTTBS (?) located on Staten Island. My mother, riding in the back of the truck, while it crossed the water on a ferry, got seasick! It rained while we were camped there, and the camp grounds were a muddy mess. I remember to, the bathing facilities, and the latrines set up for us. In 1958, I had the opportunity to ride back to New York for the assembly, held at Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds. It was my first opportunity for me to be on my own, albeit my sponsors were my best friends parents, the Congregation Servant as we called them then and his wife and family. On this occasion, we stayed with a Negro family of good will who graciously allowed us to sleep in their basement while there. On our return trip, we visited the farm at Gilead. I'd grown up on a farm in Washington, and while watching the herd being milked asked if I might have a cup of warm milk, and was rebuked for asking by one of the workers there. We traveled in an old city bus, powered by a Chevrolet Stovebolt 6, which expired twice on the trip, requiring some delay while installing a new engine. As far as mother nature goes, I don't remember it being particularly hot at the assembly, but that can be attributed to the fact, I was used to working in the fields in the Yakima Valley and the oddities of the weather didn't bother me. I have other good memories of attending both assemblies. One of those revolves around getting my first taste of pizza during the 1958 assembly. I bought a slice of pizza at a stand, located in the outside wall of Yankee Stadium, at a cost of $0.15. It was nothing like today's pizza...simply a cheese/tomato pizza but to me it was like manna from heaven. I had pizza every day while there. My friend and I skipped out of several meetings and rode the subway around New York City, exploring, even going to Coney Island a couple of times. As far as hot and humid goes, the last assembly I attended, a district assembly in Kennewick, Washington in 1999, was for me a miserable experience. Not only was it hot and humid, but I couldn't hear much of what the speakers said because of the lousy speaker system. Something I've noticed at many of the assemblies, in the later years.

  • lonelysheep

    Ouch! So glad I don't have to deal with that anymore. I can't imagine sitting in Yankee Stadium all day long when it's hot as hell outside!! I wouldn't go if I had to. Do they want heat strokes to occur??

    Add to that the drive to Yankee Stadium is pure torture compared to going to Nassau (from NJ, anyway).

  • pobthespazz

    Maybe there is going to be a special announcement at the yankee

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