Should Jehovers Witnesses use Heinz 57 products?

by Elsewhere 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    Why not

    It'll do em good.

    muw ha ha ha

  • jaffacake

    So Witnesses should abstain from Heinz.

    By the same token, they should abstain from the Watchtower Society itself, because it too had its origins in occultism, spiritism and egyptology etc.

    Can someone help me with the Bible quote - something like "the truth can never begin with a lie"

    Such a lie would be that the Great Pyramid was designed by God as his stone Witness revealing Christ's parousia....just for starters.

  • daniel-p

    Heinz 57 is still the best ketchup, occult or not. However, this sounds like one of those obscure references that the sunday public speaker brings out... "Satan has completely permeated society!! Movies, video games, books, all feature the OCCULT... even ketchup bottles!" *gasps from the old-sister-row.*

  • IronClaw

    As far as the 57 ketchup, you cannot have it in its present form. It has to be broken down into fractions. lol lol.

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    As long as you dont put it on your smurfburgers.
    +1 to Iron Claw

  • Beep,Beep

    ""The slogan was invented by the company's founder, Henry J. Heinz, in 1892 while he was cruising around on the elevated in New York one day. Whilst reading the car cards on the ceiling, his eye alighted on the slogan "21 styles of shoes." To pedestrian minds such as our own, R.B., this probably does not sound like one of your landmark advertising mottoes, but that's why we're not millionaire ketchup barons. Heinz, on the other hand, could recognize genius when he saw it. Cogitating briefly, he soon conceived the immortal words "57 varieties," whereupon he got off the train and set about plastering the nation with the now-famous pickle-plus-number logo. The one problem with this scheme was that at the time the company was manufacturing more than 60 varieties. However, Heinz stuck with 57, for what his biographer describes as "occult reasons." ""

    Strange reasoning. Heinz' biographer says it "occult reasons". Nothing to attribute it to H.J. Heinz himself.

    Good for a laugh though.

  • simplesally

    Wonder what the occult reasonings would be???

  • funlovingirl
    conscientious JW read ingredients...can be consumed in fractions

    LOLOLO!!! That's hilarious W!!

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