Tattoo You?

by SixofNine 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shaneliza

    I want to get 2 angel on one shoulder and a little red devil on the other.

  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    Yes, I regret I may. Although the one I have is on my lower back - so who cares, I won't see it.

    I did make the mistake of getting a tattoo on my stomach below my hip. Having a baby ruined part of it since I a stretch mark going through a section of it and the tattoo artist was not that much of an artist, so the ink is missing in spots. The tat guy my husband goes to is pretty good and he swears he can fix it, but I don't really care. The only person who sees it is my husband since bikinis cover it up (yes, it's pretty low) and my husband says it's not as bad as I think.

    Anyhow, to make a log story short I probably won't regret my tats since I put them in places that can be hidden since I work in a professional work environment. and if I do regret them I will deal with it then and get laser removal.

  • nelly136

    both of mine are places that are coverable, ones only half done will probably take me ten years before I get round to having it finished and by then I'll be too old to care anyway.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    i'm completely confident i won't regret it for several reasons,
    it was not an impulse decision,
    and i did not get my ink to follow a trend,
    the artist that did mine was excellent with any medium(oils, acrylics,pencils, ink), you gave him, so to pass him up would have been to pass-up an opportunity of a lifetime, and the way i saw it prior to seeing his work i was not interested, it was after seeing his quality and many of his works that i said it is him or no one, though, i have come to meet other artists in the last few years that are equally as talented,
    i got my tattoo with the intention of expanding on it, throughout the years by either adding color or other images to it that would follow a theme,
    i feel that getting one as a fashion statement is the worst reason to get one, mine has a meaning behind it besides that i obviously like dragons,
    the borg had absolutely nothing to do with my decision,

    and to answer your question, should you get one?
    ink is a personal choice,
    do it because you feel it is going to express something about you, or because it holds some meaning to you,
    but don't do it if you think it will make you seem cool, because it will show right through, and if you decide to do it keep in mind that there is a bug called the ink bug that causes many who get one to go back and get another, so keep that in mind, cause once the bug bites you are hooked,
    i personally have a thing for continuity it shows that you thought it out before going through with it

    one more thing the difference between people with tats and people without, is that we don't care if you have one or not, it is all good regardless. . .


  • SlayerLayer

    I'm 100 % confident too. My tat's are a part of me now that if they were gone, I'd feel naked.


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    slayer naked??? WHERE?!?!!

    i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away...

  • SlayerLayer

    LOL...Naked is fun!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    I've been thinking of commissioning the creation of an apostate T-shirt.

    One idea was to have a picture on the back of children and people being swallowed up by an earthquake (from a WT publication) with the caption, THE END IS NEAR. On the front you could have something about APOSTATES or if you're really feeling "in your face", something about EVIL SLAVE!. Let me know your ideas.

  • tattoogrl333

    I love my tats!!! I wake up in the morning and see the color on my arm and smile. I like being decorated. I guess there is no assurance that i will like them in the future, but I don't see why not. If I like them now the only reason for me to change my mind would be if others were making me feel bad about myself for having them. I doubt that this will ever happen.
    I didn't know tats were "cool" seems like a lot of people don't like them and tend to judge those with them differently. But I don't really like people much so I'm safe.
    I got my first tat in the 7th grade it was an old school stick and poke. It's now covered. I also still color in coloring books I love them maybe tats and coloring are related???
    If you know the artist and trust them your tat can really be piece of art.

    I've been trying to post my tats but what do I do I have a scanner and thats about as far as the process has gone. I ride the short bus when it comes to computers so any advice would be appreciated.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    hey tattoo
    should be fairly simple
    scan your pic and label it (name it) in a file and add .jpg to it if you are on a pc and want other pc users to see it,
    (mac will read just about anything without a label)
    once you have it in the system then goto the site harmony put up so you can create a url for it
    once you have the url put it in the message box where you reply and it should post. . .

    good luck

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