5 minute guide to knowing if Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth

by jwfacts 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Goldminer

    You did a great job JWfacts.Although it felt like a little longer than 5 minutes to read it is quite simple and expresses your points clearly.A hard-core jw in their regular state of denial will completely ignore it if they see it but someone who wants to "test the inspired expressions" might take a more serious look at it and do some research of their own.

    "If you can't defend your faith and show the scriptural basis for your beliefs then maybe you have been misled"-beyond the watchtower


  • jwfacts

    Thanks guys.

    I'll have to time it. Maybe it needs to be called the 10min guide.

    Moggy Lover you write very well, and no spelling mistakes. It is great writing things down for ones own sake. The elders told me to write down what I was learning as it would clarify what is true. It certainly did! I went from absolute confusion to being able to see the issues clearly. If you can write something and then fix it till it makes sense you get to understand the issues better and are also then able to explain them better.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Excellent, JWfacts!!! The information you present and the way you present it is just what I was trying to come up with myself (and hadn't yet managed to do). If my mother responds well to the letter I just sent her, using this will be my next step. Thanks


  • ringo5

    Nice job, only thing I would question is that part about 1925 being a belief they held in 1919.

    I think Rutherford introduced that later (1922?).

  • deeskis

    I like it, and I like your site.

    keep on, keeping on.........


  • reaper

    I think Rutherfraud wrote Millions Now Living Will Never Die around 1918/19, and that is when he started of on his weird ideas of the Faithful Men of Old being brought back to California. Why on Earth would God resurrect them back to the US instead of their homeland?

  • YoursChelbie

    Great idea, I like it Jwfacts! The only thing in the first paragraph I would add would be this (to empower the reader/potential convert.)

    This site is dedicated to providing information for individuals to decide for themselves proving if the Watchtower Society teaches The Truth.


  • ringo5

    Sorry about that, I just looked at the Lulu printed version of the "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" book, and it says 1920 as the copyright date. Would this be the first mention of this 1925 prediction though, I'm not sure.

  • jwfacts

    Hi Ringo5,

    Apparently Rutherford started giving his talk Millions now Living in 1918 (though i don't have any proof of that.) The booklet was then printed for mass distribution in 1920.

    YC, that is a good change you have suggested. I have learnt a lot about writing over the last year, and still have a lot to learn. The way I originally wrote was very inflammatory and I have had to train myself to be far more polite and factual in order to make a point without upsetting people. Thanks.

    Deeskis, It may be nice to catch up one day, there are a few from NSW on this board, but not enough yet.

  • AuldSoul


    I think stillAwitness is right about the 15 minutes, but it is very well done...on the 1918 date, ask and ye shall receive:

    *** w01 5/15 p. 14 ‘Behold! The Great Crowd!’ ***
    There were, however, certain associates of the anointed Christians who became very zealous in the preaching work. They had no aspirations of going to heaven. Indeed, their hope was in line with the public talk “Millions Now Living Will Never Die,” featured by Jehovah’s people from 1918 to 1922. Such individuals would be blessed with everlasting life on earth.

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