Are you paranoid about posting?

by wombat 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Hmmm i mentioned the Ashes once but i think i got away with it....

  • kid-A

    I think by being careful about your identity you have no need for paranoia. For example, its simple to avoid posting specific details about ones personal history, names and places can be changed without changing the facts of a particular story......provide no clues about your true identity in your online nickname and its easy to remain anonymous.

    Having said that, I have no doubt that this site is regularly patrolled by the JW thought police.... I suspect some of the JWD 'trolls' are serving this function, hoping to identify "dissidents" from their own KHs.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Walland, TN. 37886-2017

    Bob's not so tough. I happen to know his zip is actually 37886-2018

    (Good try, Bob. Sorry to out you, but it's time you came out of the dark!)

    Seriously wombat, even if everybody else felt ok with posting their personal info, there's no reason for you to do so. If you feel you run a risk, keep it out of the public eye. If I was running for public office, I sure wouldn't be posting anything personal. Everybody's got their circumstances to deal with.


  • DannyHaszard

    The Fall Guy thousands of pages more every day in their face in cyberspace Click to Enlarge:

    Danny in front of
    Maine courthouse
    Sign of the times
    Courthouse up front!

    You want a piece of me come and get it!-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • undercover
    Bob Evans

    325 Winchester Drive

    Walland, TN. 37886-2017

    Hey...I think I've eaten in your restaurant.

    It wasn't so good


  • wombat

    Danny...You are too subtle...You should really speak your mind.

    (This is Australian ironic SOH. Don't blast me......Jeeeez..You gotta explain everything to Yanks)

  • stillajwexelder

    I am not paranoid but I used to be very careful - I have got a bit more careless recently - but I do not want to be outed just yet

  • kid-A

    I once posted that I'd become interested in the truth after an aborigine guy handed me a planted tract he'd found up a kangaroo's bum

    At least the kangaroo knew the proper use for Watchtower literature.........I guess they would mark that placement down as a "no return visit"

  • misanthropic

    I'm really not worried. I've been "out" for awhile now, and considering writing a letter dissasociating myself just in case there is any hope left in any of my family's minds.....

  • wombat

    Dammit....I just put my birthdate on my bio......Hello family...

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