The WBTS really is a dangerous organization

by pratt1 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FairMind

    Based on the elders I know now and from when I was an elder I still say that I can't believe such a thing about murdering one's family was said. There is a lot of resentment and anger I feel toward the WTS just as most here do but what I am hearing is hate mongering and not level headed thinking. My opinion is such statements detract from the credibility of those making them.

    The other statements about jumping when the WTS says to jump are fully believable. I know that when the WTS had the green Bible that Bart Thompson (a CO/DO) made the statement at an assembly that if the WTS said the Bible was black he would believe it. Of course statements like this are not to be taken literally but are made to emphasize the degree of unquestioning loyalty the statement maker has.

  • Poztate
    Of course statements like this are not to be taken literally but are made to emphasize the degree of unquestioning loyalty the statement maker has.

    Unquestioning loyalty leads to unquestioning obediance. They is why without a doubt a core of people would do ANYTHING the WT commanded. I don't think it would be large but would you even want 10,000 nut jobs around trying to help jehovah out by killing people.

  • Mary

    I find it incredibly hard to fathom that even the WTS would ever order a mass suicide like the Jonestown massacre. What would be the point? The whole basis of the religion is to recruit members, not murder them.......the religion is definitely a High Control Group and many (including me) are angry about being lied to about so many things. However, I'm trying to be rational here, and I cannot think of what benefit the GB could possibly receive by ordering everyone to commit suicide.

  • Hellrider

    I agree with Mary. The JWs are a cult, but they`re not that kind of a cult. But of course, there would probably be a small core of the extremely brainwashed that would obey, if such a command was ever given. A small percentage, nothing more. Of course, such a command would never be given. Who would they then get to go door-to-door to place magazines?

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    What if the WBTS told them that they should murder people who are considered apostates? I have no doubt that they would obey. Apostates are instruments of the Devil. See the Feb. 1, 2006, WT.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I'm sorry. I meant the Jan. 15, 2006, WT. On page 22 it says, "We would not murder. Yet, we would bear guilt before God if we hated a fellow Christian and wished him dead." But that was in regard to a "fellow" Christian. On page 23 it talks about apostates. "If we love God...we should not allow apostates into our homes or even greet them." In other words, we are to view them as dead. How difficult then would it be, in a time of hysteria, to convince dubs to murder those evil apostates?

  • Mary
    What if the WBTS told them that they should murder people who are considered apostates?

    The WTS has stated in some article years ago that they realize they do not have the legal right to murder "apostates" like the ancient nation of Israel did. The way it's worded most definitely indicates that if they did have the legal authority to kill "apostates", they would. However, seeing as the R&F have had it drilled into their brains that they have to "leave these things in Jehovah's hands", (Jehovah will of course, murder anyone who posts here at the Big A) and that we have to "obey the superior authorites", then it's highly unlikely that the WTS would ever tell the R&F to commit murder, even if it's 'postates. I just can't see it happening.....too much bad publicity.

  • Hellrider

    To be honest, this whole discussion is about something completely unrealistic. The basics of the JW-religion, the very core, is "wait for Armageddon". That`s what it`s all about. Sure, some may argue that "obey the FDS" is even more basic, but still, the whole religion is based on waiting for Armageddon, and that by being part of that particular group, one can be spared by God. The WTS would never order a mass-suicide, noone has to worry about that.

  • garybuss

    I liked what Ros said years ago about the Witness doctrine that says: If a person said no to a Witness at the door, that person was a goat and was to be killed at Armageddon, and the people who died without hearing the Witness message before Armageddon was to be resurrected after Armageddon, Witnesses should be going door to door killing people without giving them the message.

    If it's exposure to the Witness people and their literature that results in everlasting destruction, service is accomplishing the opposite of the desired effect. These people have a chance UNLESS they are exposed to the Witness people.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Hellrider, I understand what you are saying. But you know, I would never have dreamed that the WT would join the UN, but they did.

    I believe that during a time of a breakdown in law and order, it is possible that people could be convinced to murder. It's been a long time since I read, "For Whom the Bell Tolls." The crowds in that book did not want to murder the rebels, but as they were hyped up into a state of hysteria, the murders began.

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