im hurt, desperate, confused and considering this religion - advice?

by very_confused 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • very_confused


    Like the subject title says, I'm hurt, desperate and confused and don't know what to do anymore. I'm so desperate to have something to live for that I'm considering converting to something like the Jehovah's Witnesses. I know this might seem a bit extreme but please hear me out.

    I'm a 20 year old female that has suffered from clinical depression for the past 5 years or so. About a year ago it got a lot worse, because I lost interest in all the hobbies/passtimes I had previously enjoyed. Nothing gave me any pleasure anymore, and found the time of the days very difficult to fill up. 3 months ago, I lost someone very special to me and my depression got so bad I could no longer get out of bed. At the same time, I developped extreme anxiety (which I'd never had before) and I insomnia and would sleep a maximum of 2 hours a night, and that's only if I was lucky. I became self destructive and started using illegal drugs. Then, out of extreme desperation, about a month ago I started taking sleeping pills and anti depressants, the heaviest anti depressants on the market. For a while it worked, it numbed me out, I finally could sleep, I even managed to show up for my exams. Very recently though, the girl I considered my best friend and and the only person I could really talk to abandonned me, and she did it in the most cruel, uncaring way possible. She was my only support system, and now I have nothing. I have no other friends, and I have no family. I'm all alone. That was the last straw for me. The drugs no longer work. Once again, I can't sleep, and I can't get out of bed. I've dropped out of school. Even worse, the drugs wiped out the one, single interest I had left. I've always been a creative, artistic person, but I have 0 interest in that on the drugs. Life just feels completely pointless. I'll take anything, anything to fill this emptiness, and lately I've been considering religion. Just some info on my religious background, I was raised Catholic and then turned athetist in my teen years.I don't mean any offence, but I was always under the impression that one of hte reasons people joined things like Jehovah's Witnesses was to give them something to believe them when there was something missing in their lives. I feel that way now, and I'm thinking of starting to attend the local kingdom hall and see if I can get into it, despite the fact that it seems cultish. I'm just so lonely. In some ways I think I've given up on people in general. I've tried to live my life being the kindest person that I can be, because I believe in treating others the way you want to be treated. But it has never helped, all I've gotten in return was people taking advantage of the kindness and generosity I offered them. The vague idea that Jesus might love me is a pleasant one, since I really have no one or nothing else. I want to believe it, I want to believe it so badly. While it might not fix the problem, it'll at least give me something to believe in, give me some hope, give some meaning to my life. I just don't know what else to do at this point. I know this must all sound bizarre and it probably is, I'm just very mixed up and confused. I don't know what I hope to gain out of posting this message, but maybe some advice from those who have experience with this religion would be helpful. Thank you for reading through my ramblings, I appreciate it.

  • Ellie

    Hi Very Confused, I'm really sorry to hear about your depression, it sounds like you are having a very hard time of it, and really I can't offer you any advice as to how to feel better but I would like to warn you against the JW religion as the religion on its own has often led people to depression and other mental illnesses.

  • ferret

    Very confused: My advice to you is do not add to your problems. I am not an atheist but

    religion is not what you need now. You need professional help to get to the root of your

    depression. You will probably get some good counsel on this sight. Keep close to this sight for

    support. By joining any religion right now it will only add cofusion to an already confused mind.

    Wish you all the best .

  • AuldSoul


    Not to poison the well, but you might consider how unhealthy it is to make major life decisions (moving, job change, religion change, marriage) while in a deeply depressed state. You already know by now that the depression is not external, so it would hardly make sense to look outside yourself for something to solve the depression.

    Something going on inside is the source (unless it is being caused by environmental factors, which seems unlikely given that you have been clinically diagnosed as depressive). I would strongly recommend against going to Jehovah's Witnesses for a deep sense of Jesus loving you. However, if you are planning to try embracing a spiritual side of yourself again, you might want to start by reading the Bible book of John.

    Since you have been atheist for a while now, I would recommend reading them from the persepective of tone and message rather than whether it stands up to scientific criticism. You need to find friends, you know that already. But Jehovah's Witnesses are taught to show conditional love. They are incredibly tolerant at first, but will eventually expect you to either conform to the mold or be cut off. Having your description of problems in mind, I can say with near certainty, you would conform to retain the false feeling of friendship. But once you conform, you have to conform more and more and more to keep the friendship and sense of caring.

    I think maybe you would benefit more from a small non-denominational Bible study group in someone's home. Something to consider. Just a suggestion. I will still type to you whatever you decide.


  • Scully

    In my professional opinion, you are not in any condition to make a rational decision to join the JWs or any other religion/cult.

    Being a JW borders on an almost obsessive lifestyle devoted to meeting attendance, recruiting new members, and keeping up appearances. You are never supposed to be offended by what other JWs do or say to you; but on the other hand, you are supposed to take extreme care and caution to never do anything to offend "the brothers and sisters".

    Being a woman is like being born with a strike against you in the JWs. You can never have a position of responsibility in the congregation. If you get married, you will always be required to submit to your husband's "headship". If you have children, you may be in a position where you are required to allow them to die rather than accept a life saving medical procedure. An education beyond high school is very strongly discouraged.

    What I would recommend to you, first and foremost, is to seek counselling for your depression and anxiety. You need to do some introspection and self-discovery to find the root of these conditions, and counselling can help you do this. If you become a JW, you will be discouraged from seeking professional help to deal with your depression and anxiety. The elders' #1 solution for depression and anxiety is to spend more time seeking recruits, rather than finding and facing and dealing with the source of your problems.

    I was a JW for 25 years. I grew up in it from the age of 7. It didn't stop me from becoming depressed or having anxiety, in fact, I can say with confidence that being a JW probably made the situation worse than it had to be, because I was ostracised for seeking medical attention to deal with it.

    Please feel free to send me a message if you want to talk privately.

    Love, Scully

  • AuldSoul

    ferret is obviously right. I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that you are getting counseling from your statement that you are "clinically" depressed. If that was in error, I would say you definitely need to be seeking counseling to help you manage this depression.

    I thought maybe your counselor had suggested opening up to the idea of exploring spirituality. It is seen by many counselors as a good way to lighten the pressure of dy-to-day life, and a good way to find a wholesome social structure of support. "Wholesome social structure of support" doesn't really apply to Jehovah's Witnesses, though.


  • prophecor
    I don't mean any offence, but I was always under the impression that one of the reasons people joined things like Jehovah's Witnesses was to give them something to believe in when there was something missing in their lives.

    Well it certainly was the case, of sorts, for me. You can do this thing for a wide variety of the wrong reasons. Most of which will leave you unfufilled as a human being. That's what happened in my case. When I was able to narrow down my true motivations, I took to the life as a way of justiffying myself. In search of my own righteousness, not the righteousness of God. What was missing in my life, was not able to be filled by my going to the KH. It's wonderful that you desire to find some meaning and fulfillment in your life, I would caution you on becoming involved with thier organisation on the basis of that alone.

    Welcome to JWD, very confused. I hope that spending time here will help to de-confuse you.


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Hey very confused. Glad to have you here. Sorry to hear about your troubles and, well, confusion.

    I hope you can find some good friends here. It does take some time. I have always learned to be VERY suspicious of people who all of a sudden are my best friend. It is nice and all, but after awhile it always turns out they were selling something.

    Real friendships are built up over time through a slow process of give and take, where trust is slowly given, accepted, and proven. They are also based on similar likes, dislikes, and values.

    That is interesting that you are seeking some answers in a RELIGION. Remember, a religion is a group of people who just so happen to have some specific ideas about God and hwo to worship Him. But religion is always a group of people. Maybe what you are seeking is God? If you are seeking God, why not just talk to Him? If you believe the Bible is His word, read it. I just encourage you to not think you have to be with the right group or in the right building to find God.

    I also want to caution you. You probably see that since you are kind off balance right now, it would be VERY easy for an abusive group to sell you on an abusive religion. Many people join groups like the moonies or scientology because they are in a hard time in their life, and some group acts like they have all the answers. Steven Hassan is a cult expert. His site is He was in a real down time and he joined the mooonies.

    So be careful PLEASE! I used to think life was fair, and that if something bad happened to me it was ok, because that meant something good had to be around the corner. But then I used to watch the animal shows and see how that when an animal got hurt, it didn't mean he would get a break. It actually meant all the PREDATORS were going to go right after HIM!!! I also tragically learned it in my own life. When my family was at it's weakest, the predators came. But they didn't have fangs. They were the nicest, most decent people. And they had all these pretty pictures and stories about paradise.

    Again be careful. Life doesn't suffer fools, and it is awfully tough on those in weak moments. And however bad things are, you are only 20. You got a lot of good years to turn 'em around.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I must agree taking on a religion right now is not a very healthy chioce to be made while so depressed. What you need is a good support group.I bet your Doctor could help find one for you , or even some one at your school could give you some contact groups. Give prescription med's a chance sometimes it takes a while for them to kick in and you must be deligent to stick to the doses prescribed. Try not to make major changes in your life until your mentally thinking clearly. It will not help to mix other drugs in with therapy because they can just make the prescribed meds not work properly. well that's my motherly advice for the day

  • forsharry

    First off, I want to welcome you to this board. Please read the best of sections if you want to find out what this 'religion' can do to people. Secondly I want to say that turning to God if you're down isn't a bad thing. Everyone has to find 'something' that they can rely upon and draw strength from.

    I know what you're going through. I know that won't make you feel any better, but there it is. I too suffer from depression and generalized anxiety disorder...and I dealth with it for years on my own in this religion. I was told to ask god for help; to trust in god and he would provide for me. Two suicide attempts later (one at thirteen and one at 16) and massive amounts of praying later, I found that this although well-meant advice was slowly going to kill me.

    Just how long have you been on these meds? I'm on 20mg of Lexapro, and it took almost 1 month, 1 and a half months to get my 'personality' back. I try to think on it this way...i didn't become this ill overnight so it would be foolish for me to get better overnight. I too am a creative person...I'm a graphic designer by trade and although it was hard to be creative during this month was a lot harder being creative while being suicidally depressed. You're creativity will come back...but not with or without medication, but getting down to the bottom of why you are so depressed to begin with. I hope that you are seeing someone for is important to talk with people, and since you said in your email that you lost your support net, then it's high time to go see a counselor to at least to have someone non-partial to help you through this difficult time.

    Truly think about why you want to join this religion. Do you want to do this to truly get closer to God, or in some desperate attempt to stop the maelstrom that's going on within you? Why does it have to be this radical religion and not some other christian group? You'll find that there are a lot of religious youth groups that are in non-demoninational groups that can give you belonging and purpose without restricting your life further.

    Because this is how it's going to go down. You're going to study with the witnesses. They're going to love-bomb the dickens out of you and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You're going to this this is fabulous. This is a cult tactic to lower your defenses. You're going to continue to study and perhaps start attending the meetings. Again, people are going to be so delightful to you you'll think you've lost your mind and gone to heaven. Is this not a dream come true for someone who's lost their friendship base and is suffering from depression? You betcha.

    Then they're going to start imposing their rules on you. At first you're going to think it's not that bad...wearing modest clothing, not listening to 'un-uplifting music', etc. etc. After all, you're doing this because you believe it's the right thing to do...after all it's what they're showing you from their bible and their literature. Then they're going to tell you that holidays are right out. Sure some of it will make sense in a purely empirical way, but it effectively will start driving a wedge between your family/friends and your road in this religion. So now they have you even further isolated. Do you think this is a good thing, considering your mental background?

    The love will taper off and become conditional. You'll need to start going door-to-door to preach. I hope you like talking to people, "cold-calling" if you will, because that's what you'll have to do. You'll have to sign up to become an unbaptised publisher and take part in the theocratic ministry school, where you'll give a two-person talk with another 'sister.' Again, I hope you like chatting up small crowds. The love will come back again...but soon will taper off. Why? Because they want you to become baptised. And at this point considering your mental state of wanting to belong, to become closer to God, wanting the love to continue, You'll do it. Now the Watchtower owns you effectively. You will have no privacy. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you if there are any witnesses to your actions.

    No more dating "worldly" guys. They're going to be destroyed in Armageddon, don't you know, and besides, they're not spritually to the level where you are now. The witnesses have effectively made you a part of their group. You'll look at anyone who is not a witness with a snort of derision because they're not good enough anymore. They're inherently evil and you're becomes an us vs. them mentality.

    And if you think you're depressed now? They'll tell you to rely on god and he'll provide for you. Hmm...

    They don't hold much with mental health professionals. Oh, I mean they won't disfellowship you for going to one, but they'll not be too amused either. So it'll have to be a secret.

    So you'll keep with the flock. Maybe find a nice Jehovah's witness guy and marry. You'll have a couple of kids, which you'll obviously have to raise in the religion where they by the way discourage secular education. So to go back a bit, you won't go back to college once you join this religion, because that will take away from spiritual persuits...they SEVERELY discourage college education. They pretty much discourage any independent thinking. But I digress. So your kids will grow up in the truth, feeling ostracised at school because they are different (it's bad enough being a kid without having to grow up like this...believe me...I had to go through it.) Your husband will be in control of you in essence...and if you start having second doubts you risk losing your marriage, your children and of course your hope to live in a paradise. You could be disfellowshipped for having doubts and questions...they will shun you like you're dead. Do think this will help your mental state?

    I'm making sweeping generalizations here...but I'm pretty much laying down how this goes down if you decide to become a jehovah's witness. You should not make this decision with the hopes that will make all of your depression and sadness go away. That's unrealistic and frankly, dangerous. If you are clinically depressed it means you have a medical condition and no amount of wishing upon a star is going to change that. It's going to take work on your part and probably finagling with different medications to find something that fits for you. It's also going to take counseling to fix what's broken. Then, once you're it a better place mentally and emotionally, then see if its the right thing for you.

    I'm not writing this to preach. I'm writing this because I don't want to see you hurt. You're in a bad place right now, but things will get better...but you have to work at it. It's not much, but a lot of us here feel your pain. Feel free to post any questions or concerns. Someone will be sure to respond to you and try to help you out.



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