Death and Destruction

by NowImFree 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NowImFree

    Hi Carmel,

    Thanks for your response. I didn't quit understand your post though. Please explain. Were you talking about what I said about the organization being influenced by Satan? That is just my own feeling based on all the bad things that the organization does, that is not an idea I got from anyone else, just by own gut feeling. However you want to say it, I think they are not a positive group, but a very negative group, whether someone wants to say Satan is behind it or just evil corrupt men or both, which is what I think. Let me know if that is what you meant.



  • IronClaw

    Hello Free, As far as your celebrating birthdays etc. Remember the Angels celebrated the birth of Christ. If it was good enough for them, its good enough for me too. Jesus went to festivals etc. So much we realize once leaving. It hurts I know, I still in process of leaving.

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome, NowImFree.

    I am not attempting to answer for Carmel, but rather expressing my feelings - which are in a similar vein - on reading your posts.

    There is a primitive superstitious way of viewing the world that is, sadly, extremely common. This view, or mind generated interpretation of things, incorporates invisible deities and demons to explain certain baffling aspects of nature.

    It's likely that the originators of these tribal stories and characters were attempting to point to something too vast for the mind to grasp, and they clearly knew that the personalities portrayed were mythical, not real, but rather the minds very creative way with allegory and metaphor. In other words you may notice that the gods and demons within the Bible are very familiar and mirror much of humanity, much like all the gods, goddesses and demons portrayed throughout human history. This is because they were modeled after humanity and sometimes familiar animals.

    As time went on, people lost touch with the facts and began to believe the stories as real, the anthropomorphic characters as true, and totally lost sight of anything vaster that they may be feebly pointing to. So, as long as we equate reality with false gods, ideas and stories, we are not at all free, but rather imprisoned within fantasy. Kind of like the movie: Matrix.

    For some people this is obvious. For others who are still deeply lost in the charade, mention of this is often unintelligible. It's like someone telling a person who has only known the concept of a flat earth, that it is actually round like a ball. At one time, people were killed for this.

    If anyone is offended, it may be wise to honestly and openly examine ones sacred cows. Truth, is not a mere belief that can come to offence, but rather that which is pristinely actual and real.


  • NowImFree

    Hi J,

    I am thinking you are atheist. Am I correct? I have believed in God ever since I was a little child, I can't remeber a time that I didn't believe. Honestly, I can't imagine life without believing in God, I would have no hope at all and I don't think I would feel there was any point to life and I would be terrified of death for anyone I love and I would feel hopeless. I would have probably committed suicide a few years ago I it weren't for my faith in God. I know so many people who leave the Watchtower become atheist or agnostic which I think is common when people come out of a high control cult. My faith is what gives me peace. I think the Watchtower destroys the faith of many. All I know is that everyone has to come to their own conclusions and know why they believe what they believe. I did do a lot of research after I left the organization, but mostly I read the bible. It seems like there are so many paths that people take after leaving the organization, some become atheists, some become Christians, some become pagans. But I know I am free to choose what I believe in my heart, and that is a good thing.

    Thanks for your input,


  • Clam

    Hi NowImFree. Glad to hear you're enjoying life after having such a hard past.

    Even celebrating Christmas and Birthdays shows you've really let go. My neice left "the truth" years ago and has married a non JW and is very happy. But if there's a hint of her JW parents coming round to her house she'll quickly put all Xmas cards away and pull down any decorations. It reminds me of Bilko LOL. She obviously has a problem with standing up to her parents but her behaviour also shows in my opinion that she is embarrased about celebrating "pagan" events. Stick around and enjoy the company of ex JWs who are a hell of a lot more fun than the poor souls who are still being led by the Society.

  • greendawn

    It is transparently obvious that the top leaders of this organisation are ruthless opportunists that don't care about the destruction and hurt they cause to tens of thousands of people.

    I also find it surprising that the mass media did not really do much to expose them despite the enormous toll of suffering they have caused. I suspect that they have powerful contacts in the mass media world or they bribe them out of exposing them.

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the board, NowImFree

    I actually think the WTS is influenced by Satan, not God. Is that a shock to some of you or do alot of you agree?

    No doubt about it.

    The WTBT$ is a front for Satan.

    Think about it for a minute.

    1. The WTBT$ denies the existence of a literal place of awareness eternally removed from God which is contrary to what Jesus taught and what the Bible says about sheol in the Old Testament.

    2. The WTBT$ offers its victims up to the altar of Satan by refusing lifesaving medical treatment. At one time organ transplants other than blood were a DF'ng offense.

    3. The WTBT$ DF's people for questioning its doctrines. A DF'd person is told they will have no resurrection, which is contrary to what Jesus taught in John 5:28-29 (KJV or any other real Bible) unless they return for more spiritual abuse from the 'mother' organisation.

    4. When a JW leaves the WTBT$ they don't care if he returns or not unless he turns apostate and accepts Christianity. Then they villify him with their publications. Most JW's have no problem talking with a DF'd JW at a funeral, etc. but watch how they act when a former JW turned Christian shows up.

    The WTBT$ indoctrinates people into equating them with God. When a JW leaves he/she is already prone to dismiss God as a fantasy person or as a mean and vengeful entity that they don't want anything to do with. Either way the WTBT$ wins. The person returns and dies a JW or stays out of the organisation and never accepts Christ as their Savior and Lord. When their physical body dies their spirit is in for a rude surprise because for all of us there is reserved a place of eternal separation from God if we don't accept Christ. I have friends and relatives who have died while trapped by those demons in charge of the WT and just pray that in their last breath they cried out for Jesus to save them because they had been so deceived.

  • JamesThomas


    Thank you for your kindhearted reply. Of course you are free to choose, and I understand and have felt the comfort that beliefs in God can supply.

    I am thinking you are atheist. Am I correct?

    I'm an atheist in that I no longer harbor any beliefs about God; as the very limited nature of the mind's ideas and beliefs inherently and drastically minimize and underestimate what the word G-O-D, points to.


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