If you were God, would you want to be worshipped?

by rebel8 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poppers

    The way the question is framed supposes/assumes that "god" will have "wants". Isn't this making "god" into man's image, or man's IDEA of what the word g-o-d points to? Making such a "god" out of an image in the mind can only result in the projection, sustaining, and manipulation of that mental image. Instead, why not investigate the "beingness" out of which your question arose; find out what is right here right now prior to the arising of any question, find out what the very core of "you" is before it gets overlaid with mental imaginings. Then there is the possibility of realizing what lies beyond the mind and its propensity for creating and believing the ideas which arise within it. What the word "god" points to exists in its most pure and uncontaminated form when it's not clouded over by thinking - then see if there exists any ideas at all, including what the mind labels as "wants".

  • Proteus

    worshipped as in have a bunch of puny imperfect screw ups try to kiss my almighty butt. No.

    Be given acknowledgement that I'm the reason they exist and can once again be perfect. Yeah,

    I look at it like this. If I do something really nice for someone, I kindof expect a thank you. I don't need it. I did this out of the goodness of my heart and because I care. But still a thank you is nice. It's good to know you aren't being taken for granted or your efforts being forgotten. A little recognition here. I don't care for being put on a pedestal but a thank you and a hug would be great.


  • rebel8

    All very thought-provoking answers!

    Passage Exodus 7:16: Then say to him, 'The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. But until now you have not listened.

    Passage John 4:24: God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

    Easton's Bible Dictionary:

    Worship - homage rendered to God which it is sinful (idolatry) to render to any created being (Ex. 34:14; Isa. 2:8). Such worship was refused by Peter (Acts 10:25,26) and by an angel (Rev. 22:8,9).
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I look at it like this. Most of our JW training taught us that god made us so we can worship him. But, it also likens him to a father or parent. Now for those who have children ask yourselves this...was the reason you had children so that they can adore you and worship you and follow your every word? And also what kind of children would those be?

  • katiekitten

    Im just a woman and I would quite like to be worshipped.

    But then I do have a fragile ego...

  • Phil

    Velly intellesting!

    Worshipping God helps the members of religious groups who expect salvation at some point in time. Afterlife.

    Each individual has been provided with a brain and no two are alike. Of the 35000 or so religions on earth, each one does this worshipping thing to satisfy their own need. Many of us do not have that need. However I have read that the religious people are a happier lot, so they say. THe desire and the need to worship is solely for the benefit of the worshipper, no one else. God does not know who is and who is not worshipping nor does he care.

  • rebel8

    So then you don't believe the Bible's statements that God wants to be worshipped, Phil? Me neither.

  • Jake99

    No I would not want to be worshipped. I would want you to use the operating system recommended in all the relgious books. No money changers or lines on the map, treat your neighbor as you would wish to be treated. Swords to plowshares etc.

  • Scully

    To me, desiring worship sounds a little too much like insecurity for my liking. It actually sounds like a *gasp* weakness to me. LOVE MEEEEEE!!!!!! LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE MEEEEEEE!!!!

    Seriously, though, perhaps because God can just *poof* create everything else that his heart desires, the one thing he lacks is worship from those whom he created with free will. So God has created a dilemma for himself: Worship is the one thing God can't just *have*.... so it becomes something that God *wants*.

    And nope... that's not the kind of person I am. I prefer to exist behind the scenes, performing reckless deeds of random kindness.

  • LittleToe

    Try to imagine a Pop idol who genuinely isn't that bothered by the adulation.

    • Is it their fault if the fans scream and throw their underwear at them?
    • Is it their fault when their fans start a brawl because someone else denigrates them?

    Why blame the idol?

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