The Unkindest Cut: Hateful Words from JWs that Show Their True Colours

by Scully 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    That was a terrible thing for a so called "best" friend to say to you!

    That word "friend" is tossed out by JW's all the time.

    They have no idea what a real friend is.

    The fastest way to get DF'd is have a heart to heart talk with your so called "friend".


  • AlmostAtheist
    It makes me realize how the lack of love in the WTS is not a surface problem of a few people, but is the core personality of the majority

    I might not have believed that before I came out, and I would have dismissed ozzie and scully's experiences as just getting a bad JW. But since then I've dealt with several JW's that come on this board. Every single one that claimed to be a baptized JW was abusive and rude.

    Yes, it is a core problem. They are taught hate at the Kingdom Hall, they are taught to love a hating God, and they can't help but to come away from it as haters.


  • jschwehm

    When I told my JW relatives that I was leaving the JWs, I was told that it would be better for me to be a drug addict or to have committed fornication/adultery than for me to leave the JWs as an "apostate".

    I was an inactive JW at the time and my wife who was doing all she could to stay a JW was asked to stand in a JW wedding. It was my first time back with the JWs in months. One of the elders cornered me with a bunch of other JWs and asked me where I had been. I told them that I had been busy with school (I was going to college at the time) and that it was difficult for me to make all of the meetings with my school commitments. The JW elder told me in front of all of these other JWs (I guess I was being made an example of) that if I did not get my priorities straight that I would be killed at Armageddon with the rest of the world. Up to this point I was actually having a nice time with the dubs. That killed it and I even told my mother (who was so hoping I would come back to the organization) what this elder said. My mother had a talk with this elder about his comments and the poor coward did not even have the courage to apologize to me directly. He told my mother to tell me that he was sorry for the way in which his comments came out.

    Also, there is the time that the JWs tried to break up my marriage while I was in the process of leaving the JWs, too.

    The terrible thing is that I know I said awful things to people when I was a braindead and heartless JW. I always ask God to forgive me for being so stupid back then.

    Jeff S.

  • jeanniebeanz

    "If you are going to turn your back on The Truthâ„¢, you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon and will have a resurrection in the Paradise."

    What a flaming hateful $%@#% !!!

    I honestly cannot imagine anyone saying such an ignorant thing. She needed to have her face slapped straight off her head and I would have gladly obliged her in this needed operation.


  • TallTexan


    NICE!!!! How thoughtful of your 'friend' and 'sister in the truth'.

    I could probably fill volumes with 'loving' acts and words of the brothers, but here are a few:

    1) An MS in a congregation in Conroe, Texas (should I put his name...hmmmm) was a very heavy drinker, and his wife was an alcoholic. She would show up to the morning weekday service with a travel mug full of diet Pepsi and vodka. I was at his house one night and he was really totalled, along with his brother, and they begin to chase his well-endowed 13 y/o daughter around the house trying to take off her top and her bra. Shortly thereafter, my oldest step-daughter somehow wound up going to Galveston with this girl and her alcoholic mother. Her mother, drunk, pulled down her pants and urinated on the Strand and offered to 'sell' her daughter to a group of drunk businessmen. When I brought this up to the elders, one was sympathetic, but two turned to me and said "Well, we don't see that you have much room to talk, as you are rarely at meetings. Maybe if you were as concerned about your spirituality as you are theirs, you would have advanced in the congregation by now."

    2) Same alkie sister went to the elders several months after this (I'm sure someone mentioned my issues with them) and told them that my wife (at that time) and I were spreading gossip about two couples who had been reproved for wife-swapping. They threatened to take disciplinary action against us. It was a real neat story except neither one of us had a clue that they had been reproved (it happened before we moved into the congregation) and certainly had no knowledge of why.

    3) A sister I know very well, after 30 + years as a pioneer and elders wife underwent harrassment, slander, gossip, invasion of privacy, and a host of other things at the hands of a body of elders who are so petty and small that they got their jollies by trashing the reputation of someone who had invested 20 years and countless hours into the local congregation. They would drive down the street and 'spy', but never once offered to come over and help when her home was damaged by a storm. Her worldy neighbors helped, but not her 'brothers'.

    4) After having a small wine and cheese party after a memorial one year, my wife and I were counseled about engaging in 'drunken revelry' and how we could stumble some. When I told them it was a very subdued gathering of a few friends (including two MS and their wives) and there was no 'revelry' by any stretch of the imagination, I was told "Well, who are we going to believe? A ministerial servant in good standing or you?" I guess one of the 'loving' brothers had spread a little story of his own.

    5) This may seem petty, but it goes to show the mentality of how they won't lift a finger unless they can count time for it. My grandmother, who has been a witness for 50+ years, had surgery. After she came home, my parents were her sole caregivers. Of course, the brothers asked my parents at the meetings that if there was 'anything they could do', to just ask. They needed someone to sit with her for a morning during the week, but couldn't find anyone in the cong to do it. Later that morning, they were driving past the hall and saw a number of cars there of people going in service. Nice to know they're ready to help...

    6) I've been in healthcare for 15 years, and treated a number of witness patients, usually from the congregations I've attended. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen an elder come and visit them. On the other hand, you can't beat 'worldly' clergy off with a stick. Nice to know they ignore the scriptural advice about 'praying over the sick' to engage in the unscriptural practice of door-to-door ministry.

    O.k...that's with most people here, I could go on and on.

  • TallTexan
    The terrible thing is that I know I said awful things to people when I was a braindead and heartless JW.

    Ditto - I was just thinking about that....

  • avishai

    "If you are going to turn your back on The Truthâ„¢, you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon and will have a resurrection in the Paradise."
    I've heard the same thing. I wonder if Someone told Robert Bryant and/or Christian Longo the same thing............And how many Dub "accidents" are the result of the same logic with a distraught parent.

  • KimKat

    When things began to come to a head for us, was when we confronted an elder and his family about child abuse
    that had happened many years earlier. We had asked for some of the other elders to be present. Of course the
    charge was denied. BUT- then the elder and his family spread slanderous gossip about us. This elder even told
    some of our friend things personally. He told everyone that we were turning apostate (we weren't at that time).

    This one friend of ours was really upset and took it to the CO. The CO told this elder to say he was sorry - not even to us -just to our friend. I was so upset, I told the "friend" that I wanted nothing to do with such a bunch of
    liars or with Jdubs. Of course, the friend decided that she could have nothing to do with me anymore too. You
    know that the CO was right.

    Another example:

    My in-laws have never had much to do with our children. Never visiting (they live several hundred miles away)
    never calling them, not even letters or cards. Maybe a small (very small) gift once a year or so. (usually around
    Anyway - when we decided to leave Jdubs, my mother-in-law calls and says "how can you do this to me? You
    are killing my grandkids."
    We told her that the kids were not babtized and they were welcome to write or call
    the kids. No response except "you are killing my grandkids, how can you do this to me?"

    The Jdubs cultivate a type of 'love' that is based on how things look to other Jdubs, and how it will effect them.
    Very selfish!!

  • Poztate
    "If you are going to turn your back on The Truthâ„¢, you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon and will have a resurrection in the Paradise."
    That was my pivotal moment, it happened almost 10 years ago, and the memory is as clear now as if it had just happened. At that instant, I knew I could never have anything to do with the JWs ever again.

    That is just truly sick..Where the HELL are these peoples minds at ..BRAIN WASHED

    If I was quick I might have replied...So if I shoot somebody now they will be assured of a resurrection ?

    Hang on while I get my gun. I want to put a bullet in your head and assure you of paradise now....

  • DanTheMan

    There was no one single thing said to me that I remember verbatim, but I remember a friend of mine telling me that he hated his 19 year-old wild-child daughter for not sticking with da troof, it was like he was so embarrassed because of her. I thought that was pretty bizarre.

    I also remember a CO speaking at a District Convention about how Christendom, "and all her good deeds" would soon be destroyed. He said it in a really sneering voice, like the one the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz used when she told Dorothy "I'll get you my pretty!", and it seemed like everybody was right there with him. I looked around a little, wondering if I was the only one there that was squirming in my seat over that one.

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