Is this a valid point about Bible prophecies?

by apple78 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    It is fairly easy to point to a past event and claim it fulfilled a prophecy du-jour. Prophecies are vague enough to be able to fit them into world events. Then the ones that don't come true are explained away by (1) they weren't supposed to be taken literally, or (2) they simply haven't come true yet. IOW, whatever happens, there is an excuse.

    What about the WTS King of the North thing? Now that the USSR is disbanded and not an enemy of the US, it doesn't fit into the WTS explanation, right?

  • Sheepish

    ...course I am commenting from the view of someone who believes the Bible...(like I have to tell you! The reason I preface my comments is that I don't want to argue the fact that I have faith, just giving you another point of view)

    If you get into fulfilled prophecy in the Bible, you will notice a lot of it was written so that when things came to pass, the reader would recognize it. There are some very compelling and specific prophecys which give the basis for people who now look to the Bible. However, if a prophecy is made, or interpreted by someone or an organization and it does not come to pass as it was prophesied, the scripture VERY plainly tells us to, at the very least, disregard them. They are false. That is a fact about the witnesses that is so glaring that those of us who have left can't believe those who stay won't see it.

    That being said, the prophecys about end times were written firstly for the end of Jerusalem, and also for the return of Jesus. They are still valid. As humans become more advanced technologically, them seem to be deteriorating morally and spiritually. Most people want to believe we are advancing in every way. The more money and free time humans have, the more degraded and selfish they become.(We can discuss this on another thread)

    Really the bottom line for a believer is, it doesn't matter if it happens in our lifetime or not, it doesn't change a thing. If your relationship with God is right, you have peace inside, and freedom from fear of death,which is one of things Jesus came to accomplish. He never told us to not marry (we are warned against those who teach that actually) or sell everything and go on our housetops to wait for him. He expects us to be busy about what he left us here for.

    Of course none of this means anything to someone who thinks it's all bogus, so that would be your first step to decide whether you believe or not. If not, what do you care?

  • Rig Boy
    Rig Boy

    Satan is the Prince of the Power of the air, according to the Bible. Today's disasters are increasing as a result of what men are doing to the earth. Nothing really to do with God. I say this as a Christian. Other disasters are man made. Search, "HAARP." As for Israel, the land promise was conditional and annuled by God in Jeremiah 3:8 , where God gives Israel a bill of divorce. Fullfilment of Israel is a spiritual fulfillment through all Christians who are the spiritual seed of Abraham. Present day Israel has nothing to do with God and can only be of Satan.....trying to restablish the old Sanhedrin and seat himself as God in a rebuilt temple.

  • apologetics

    hey :P

    Im new to the boards, intresting thread. I believe bible is the living word of God.

    sheepish wrote : Really the bottom line for a believer is, it doesn't matter if it happens in our lifetime or not, it doesn't change a thing. If your relationship with God is right, you have peace inside, and freedom from fear of death,which is one of things Jesus came to accomplish.


    still keeping that in mind the bible does tell us the importance of prophecy Rev 1:3. & Isaiah 46:9-11 *over one quarter of the bible is prophetic, for the unbeliever though in a world where people dont see the bible or Jesus as an authority. fulfilled prophecy can be a great door opener.....

    cheerz :P

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