Dfd and looking toward re-instatment

by GoingNuts 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pablo Picasso
    Pablo Picasso

    Goingnuts - My wife and I are still in the org (in fact i have the #2 talk tonight - blah), but we are planning on fading away ASAP. We do not believe many of the teachings of the GB, wonder why nobody mentions Job 1:1-5 where it states in plain english that Job's faithfull children celebrated their birthdays....so many doubts. We drink and smoke pot occasionally, but there really hasn't been a huge lifestyle change at all.

  • SixofNine
    I have spent Seven years away from the "Truth"

    If you have the intelligence to spell "truth", you have the intelligence to do just a little research and see that it is anything but the "truth".

    Get busy.

  • royboy

    Hello goinnuts

    I had been a witness since 1969. I was a ministerial servant, then an elder. My wife had pioneered for about 15 years and my daughter pioneered since she graduated high school. My son is married and is a ministerial servant. We had a great marriage of 30years and had no reason for upsetting what seemed to be a perfect well-respected theocratic family. While conducting the study in the Revelation book, I could see how something didn't seem right. John's prophecies all seemed to apply to the WT and the faithful slave. The seven trumpets John saw was the 7 proclamations at the 7 assempblies from 1922 to 1928. The hail was the hard-hitting messages we were proclameing. The vehicles were the publications and on and on. I decided to begin an investigation and it led to our belief in the 144,000. I won't go into it here but if you want what I learned you can e-mail me at [email protected]. The elders were only interested in have me be loyal to whatever the Wt says. One C.O. told me that if the Faithful slave is wrong, they will answer to Jah. but I will be blessed for being loyal to the org. I told the elders that the scriptures says that we are each personally accountable to Jah. One thing led to another and when I saw they were going to DF me I gave them my letter of DA. 3 months later while I was at work, many in the cong. came to my house and moved my wife and daughter out of my house to an undisclosed location. I have not seen them or my son and only granddaughter in 3 years. I know that they are told to hate all who leave the org. not even to pray for them. I use to believe that all was done for Gods glory and any who leave were wicked people who leave Jehovah. I have a much deeper love for God today and an understanding of Grace than I ever did in the Wt. What has happened to me is not unique. Anyone who questions the teachings of the WT is subject to discipline. I would suggest that you find something, even the smallest of a difference you have with the WT, be it the holidays, birthdays, wearing a beard, blood issue and see what happens to you. You can have no freedom of thought in the WT and I think you know that.


  • GoingNuts

    OH MY GOD.....
    I am so sorry that that that happened to you Roy. I have gotten many posts on this topic and your's is an attention grabber..
    I think I will e-mail you (no I know I will e-mail you) on your story. I have a few Questions for you that you might be able too answer. They moved your family out of your own home...........................................................................................................OH MY GOD, I WOULD BE SO PISSED OFF!!!

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Dear Roy,

    I read your thread with such sadness. The loss of your children must be especially devistating. How could anyone justify doing this to someone else? But then, they have an expanation for everything they do don't they! And they have the unmitigated gall to call it the "truth"(pardon me while I go barf)...........................

    OK, I'm back........

    Dear GoingNuts,

    Go back if you must. Being a "Stepford Wife" appeals to some people I guess. As for me, I bless the day when I was cut off from all of that religion (?) by the borg side of my family. It happened 20 years ago when the article of Sept 15, 1981 came out and they all decided they couldn't speak to me any longer. Now that the time has gone by and I see what screwed up children (drug adiction, mental illness) they have produced and all the sadness they have had in their lives. Only the everyday drudgery of endless boring meetings and people slamming their doors in their faces I realize what a favor they did me! I thank them everyday. Who knows, if they had only applied a little of that "loving kindness" they so often talk about but don't use much, I might be one of them today "shudder" "shudder".......I do, however, wish you the best. We all have to dance to our own music.

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • Ustabee
    Some of this hatred comes from "jilted" former elders, some who served as shepards in the cong. for twenty years. they of all people should know God's will and his commands by heart. No-one should be able to shake your resolve be they CO's, Elders, Ministerial Servants, or brothers and sisters.


    You asked for input, and it would appear that you got it. The above quote would seem to be right out of the WT mags. I heard that for the 20 + yrs that I served the WTS. I was an elder, MS and was considered an 'up and comer'. I gave talks at the Circuit Assembly and was a popular guest speaker all over my circuit. I was the Service Overseer in my congregation and if anybody 'knew the commandments', I did. I don't consider myself a 'jilted' elder; each assignment I received carried with it more power and authority.

    With all of that, I ended up DF'd twice and will never return to the JW's. I was DF'd after I fell into spiritual disarray over a lot of the things that I was taught and taught to others for years.

    I have examined the teachings of the JW's and found them seriously flawed. You must do your own research and make these sorts of decisions for yourself. Return if you feel that is the right decision for you.

    You will gather a tremendous amount of information on this board. You will see grumpy folks, sweet folks and in-between folks. All of them have a story to tell, most of those stories will break your heart. Roy's story is not the exception, it happens and happens a lot. We've left and we all have excellent reasons for leaving.

    If you have never tried to get reinstated, you are in for a real treat. I went through it once. Only after a letter written to the GB was forwarded to my old cong was I reinstated.

    As I stated, I was almost the 'superelder.' After I finally groveled enough to be reinstated, I was still very much 'tainted goods.' No priveleges ever again. Very much a 'second-class' theocratic citizen. Not sour grapes just the facts. After I faded away, they didn't want to let me live my own life. They kept after me until they got me the second time.

    Do your research... then make your decision.

  • Eyebrow


    I was wondering if you contacted the authorities about your wife taking your kids away? You have custody rights, and she cannot just walk off with them.

    Just curious...I cannot imagine being seperated from my children that long.

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine


    now, what exactly does that mean?

    give me some "new light"...or is it "old light"?.....or somewhere in between?

    Sorry, I have to put a little levity in this or I will have to go kick the walls...and my house is old and it might fall down! LOL

    Will I ever loose the anger?

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • Angst

    I'm not DF'd, I just walked away before anything happened. I feel more at ease mentally having taken this course of action than to disassociate myself or do something just to get DF'd.

    My father was a presiding overseer for years. I have many more posts coming!

    Just want to say Hi to all of my heathen brethren! LOL

    Love you all!


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine



    Be'en a heathen ain't so bad when you consider the alternative (be'en a JW).

    Waiting to hear your posts.

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

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