1914 question

by drew sagan 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • greendawn

    That is also what I could never understand why should the king of Babylon the number one enemy of God's people, be used as a symbol for God's kingdom. That is clearly an arbitrary notion.

  • greendawn

    In fact there were many people in 19th century America working out end of times dates in the same arbitrary way.

    Basically they were juggling around verses and numbers to get a date that fell in the near future, without any serious foundation to their calculations. Russell got his date fron Barfour.

  • Slave1111
    Thanks for your explanation Keith. I simply can't believe that I never once questioned this most basic idea. The only way the Watchtower can insert its own idea into the interpretation is by stressing the scripture that speaks of his acknowledgement of Jehovah as "most high is ruler in the kingdom of mankind". This is very strained reasoning.

    Thanks for everybodys input.

    And Slave1111, good luck to you.

    Thank you.......

  • yaddayadda

    Keith, are you saying that this teaching re the tree was Rutherford's baby and not Russell's?

  • yaddayadda

    U may find this explanation of what the tree is intriguing http://www.bric.uk.com/rp.no13.html

  • Jeffro


    This period of the madness was something about 550 year B.C. and even Bible very clearli states that everything Ruler of Babel dreamed fulfilled in his life.

    Nebuchadnezzar wasn't reigning at (or after) 550 BC, so madness at that time would not fulfil the biblical account.

  • peacefulpete

    The book of Daniel was written around 165 BC by an author using bits of history and legend to revive a cultural identity. The legend about Nebby's madness was in other traditions attriuted to Nabonidus. It seems the author glossed Nabonidus and Nebby legends together to create a composite figure for his stories. It has no basis in history, despite dishonest claims to the contrary there is not one bit of corroborating evidence of Nebby's 7 year insanity. Nebby simply never worshipped YHWH in fact he was outstanding in his devotion to his gods. It was a morale tale told to embolden his sect of Judaism, convince them of divine governance and immenent restoration to glory, and put fear into the leaders.

    This has been revisted countless times in painful detail. Really people move on in life, let the old WT superstitions die.

  • AuldSoul


    Really people move on in life, let the old WT superstitions die.

    As long as the WTS exists and JWD exists, new people will be rediscovering the same things you discovered for the first time years ago. But you weren't the first to discover it or discuss it, it wasn't new. It was only new to you.


    In my opinion, you discovering, being irate at, and posting this information is evidence that you are moving on with life. I recommend that you keep doing so, without letting anyone convince you to jump into their persepective of things. Odds are, their perspective will change too, then where would you be? You wouldn't fully understand why you jumped the first time, why would you jump again?

    Better to just walk at your own pace. Eventually, I hope you find peace. I remember all too well the sickness in the pit of your stomach that washes through you when you find that some simple little thing SHOULD have tipped you off to the whole scam. No matter how much you tell yourself there's no way you could see it from the inside, it still feels foolish. Just remember, lots of intelligent people have been tricked before you, many will be after we're all planted six-feet under.

    If I have anything to do with it, I will live to see the day when at least these charlatans are unmasked and brought low. Hard thing about that is, they are only elevated in their own minds and in the minds of believers...what to do, what to do...


  • blindersoff

    I've always had trouble grasping the concept that the prophecies had to have a 'minor' fullfillment in Bible times and a 'major' fulfillment in our day. Just another idea that we are supposed to accept without question.


  • Ticker
    Estephan Leuese is my name given to me by Jehovah God, the Almighty. Prove that I am crazy by providing evidence to the contrary of what is posted.

    That cracked me up. LOL


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