Apostates protesting conventions = Something I laughed at

by free2beme 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • rmt1

    Rome did not have a permanent policy of persecuting Christians; human-torches and being thrown to lions flared up under just a handful of emperors. Nevertheless, the negative cathectic awe that """pagan""" Romans had for this new cult largely stemmed from the Christians' willingness to BE persecuted, to be tarred and feathered as it were, to BE laughed at, ridiculed, thrown to lions, et al. The apostates who picket conventions are no different from the Christians in their whole ones and twos who lived up to their principles by becoming a laughing stock to the many for the one chance of saving one soul. JWs who laugh at the apostates are rationalizing and repressing a potent, profound concern that the apostates are not doing this for their health, and must have a very good reason for risking resources in time, reputation, and legal concern. Any scripture that Brooklyn can quote from Peter, Paul and Mary about their philanthropic and beneficient motivations for suffering ridicule can be (at least) tested on apostate picketers. If an apostate could reasonably expect that shouting "get out of Babylon the Great" could be correctly interpreted by at least one JW, even if only an adolescent who has no physical means of escaping the situation, they would.

  • free2beme
    It certainly leaves an impression with the average JW, good or bad

    Funny thing is, these are the impression that former Witnesses sometimes associate with people who are considered apostate. They think they are these extreme over the top people. When most are normal people who would not do such a thing. I think if more saw the real former Witness appearance and not these protesters, they would have more courage to know that leaving the Witnesses does not make you a angry protester.

  • Mysterious

    I think standing outside with a large sign containing some key URLS (freeminds, jwd, latest quotes mirror) might be very effective especially against the curious/doubting youngsters who are a bit rebellious around the edges. The hard dyed in the wool JWs are of course going to see it and see it as "Satan" and avoid it like the plague.

  • MsMcDucket

    Auldsoul what do you suggest to help the blind to open their eyes? I know that if it weren't for this site and others, I'd still be in the dark about a lot of things. Where would I be if I couldn't get the information? We, the ones with doubt, need information. Reliable information. It helps to see that others are able to get out and not feel like they're going to die tomorrow. Do you remember feeling like that? Do you remember feeling that you couldn't question anything that the Watchtower said? Then to have someone out there saying "Hey, look at me! I'm out of that cult and lightening didn't strike me down!" Makes a big impression.

    I know that I'd be thankful to the person that would be able to get my girls to open their eyes. I don't care if they did it with picket signs, internet, or what have you... I'd just be grateful.

    I say do what you're good at. I wish I were brave enough to wear a sign that said "Religion is a racket and a snare." I'd bet that would turn a few heads.

  • rebel8
    My experience seeing them was that it validated my sense of feeling "persecuted" by "the enemies." I always felt great when I saw them, "yep...those poor bitter folks. they left Jehovah and now look at 'em...a bunch of sorry hate-obsessed wackjobs."

    That is what many JWs think, but I wonder..............why do they ignore the fact that JWs in the US did the same thing, ie the "religion is a snare and a racket" campaign, complete with sandwich signs, megaphones, and shouting?

  • mouthy

    I think if more saw the real former Witness appearance and not these protesters, they would have more courage to know that leaving the Witnesses does not make you a angry protester.

    I beg your pardon I was a REAL JW....Made 10 people JW how more real can you get than that How many did YOU make????????

  • mouthy

    I think if more saw the real former Witness appearance and not these protesters, they would have more courage to know that leaving the Witnesses does not make you a angry protester.

    I beg your pardon I was a REAL JW !!! made 10 people JW !!!!

  • free2beme

    That is how I feel too, mouthy. I actually find the group of angry Witnesses to be very small and if Witnesses saw the majority of happy people that I know, it might be enough to give them that exit courage.

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