President Bush wants to spy on us? Can we spy on him as well?

by DavidChristopher 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DavidChristopher

    That is kinda goofy. He says it is HIS job to protect us!? By taking our freedom and privacy away? Are we going to end up in the "hole" or is it "protective custody"? Who is going to spy on him for us, to insure he truly has our "best interests" at heart, and not his own "interests"? Who does he care more about? us or himself? Can he prove it to me? I have a few doubts.

    Could I have the honor of racing him?

  • TallTexan

    This whole thing is so rediculous. It happens every day, it just so happens that this time someone found out. Agencies like the NSA and the DOD spy on 'citizens' all the time without the proper authorization.

    Now, let's define 'citizen' in this case. These were primarily 'foreign' born citizens. People who had contact with known terrorists or terrorist organizations. Not just casual contact, but serious and in most cases repeated contact with these people/organzations.

    Scenario: (and I'm not being racist - drop the PC crap for a minute and accept reality). Achmed moves here from Pakistan. He and all his homies hate America, so he's the 'sleeper'. He comes over here, spends some time, becomes a citizen, maintains a respectable business, pays his taxes, etc. One day, his buddies call and say, "Hey, we need to let someone stay at your house", or "We need some cash", or any number of things that terrorist organizations need. He says 'Sure', because he's a citizen, but still hates this country and the people in it.

    Now, I don't give two cents if we 'violate' his rights by spying on him. If Big George wants to hear me order a pizza on my cell phone or follow me around while I do errands, that's fine. I don't care, because I have nothing to hide. If it helps stop one terrorist act in this country, then it's worth it. You people who hate Bush so blindly that you can't even see what is happening in this country need to get a grip. Have you all forgotten 9-11? When it happens again in your back yard, you'll be the very same people who blame the man because he didn't stop it.

    I hate to bring a crushing reality down on you, but we may have to give up a little in the way of freedom for our safety. And don't give me the 'slippery slope' crap either. Everyone wants to declare that the sky is falling now that there is 'domestic spying'. What a joke - it's been going on for years, by every president elected, and we don't all live in the Gulag, now do we? I've vented and feel better.

  • DavidChristopher

    Sorry, I think we can have freedom and safety without having to live in a 6x12 cell with someone "making their rounds". To keep tabs on us. But Hey, If you like it and it makes you happy, "I'll be your huckelberry". Go for it....Try it somemore and tell me how you like it, prove to me You find happiness, and I will reserve the cell next to yours.

    Wanna race?

  • TallTexan

    "I'll be your huckleberry"....great movie.

    Believe me, I'm all for freedom and as little government input into our lives as possible.

    Question - do you personally know anyone, or have heard of anyone 'innocent' being put into a 6x9 cell as you put it because of domestic 'spying'? No? Well, that's my point. I don't think of tracking American 'citizens' of foreign birth who have ties to terrorists as DOMESTIC spying anyway. Just because they claim to be citizens, when they begin to act in accord with foreign terrorists, then 'spying' on them is more of an international issue anyway.

    I think it's comical how people are overreacting to this. We're not suddenly in the former USSR. We're not in Saddam's Iraq. We still have our freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I just think as a country that we need to realize that we may have to hurt some people's feelings in order to maintain a safe environment.

  • SixofNine

    "I think it's comical how people are overreacting to this."

    You are under-reacting to this. It's likely that you are on the opposite side of the political fence from me, but you... WE... only get this one chance to keep the rule of law, and the checks and balances that come from having equal branches of government, in place. Do you want a Hillary Clinton in office with zero acountability? A John Kerry with absolutely no limits because of "national security"? This is about far more than just spying on bad guys. We had a very good system in place to spy on bad guys.

  • Simon

    ha ha ha ha ha

    Someone from the cult of Texas defending Bush.

    Too funny.

  • DavidChristopher

    Is it him I wonder?

  • DavidChristopher

    Tall Texan....where ya at dawg........? I am not to quite to second gear yet.

    I am really sorry, but the God I serve doesn't want mindless, spineless robots.

    Your little brother,


    P.S. He wants some "snake eaters"....get me?

  • TallTexan

    Ah...Bush haters vs Bush there any better debate?

    Six of Nine....

    Obviously we DON'T have an effective means to spy on foreigners OR domestic terrorists. Proof? Two places - Oklahoma City and New York City. 'nuff said. However, you are so right. I do NOT want a Hillary or John Kerry with unlimited domestic surveillance policies. Nor do I want a George Bush with unlimited abilities. The problem I see is that Congress and politicians in general are too skittish when it comes to domestic survelliance because they are too worried about hurting someone's feelings or being perceived as 'racist'.

    I just don't think it's all that big a deal. It's like getting upset with Nixon or Clinton for lying - they all do it, these guys just got caught. My point is that it happens every day, has happened every day for years, and we are not unduly infringed on. Bush just got caught - that's all.

    Why aren't people up in arms about things that truly do take away our freedom. Like the IRS being able to seize anything they want, any time they want, even if it is THEIR mistake. Or the very loosely applied drug seizure laws that harm law-abiding citizens every day. Or the 'imminent domain' laws that allow the government to seize private property with little or no compensation when they want/need it?

  • TallTexan
    ha ha ha ha ha

    Someone from the cult of Texas defending Bush.

    Too funny.

    Simon, Why are you laughing? At least I'm not paying 60% income tax and suffering from socialized medicine....oh, and btw, there are plenty of Bush-haters in Texas as well.....

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