Weird day with a bit of a shock

by ballistic 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Weird day with a bit of a shock

    For some time now my best mate and flat mate has been couging up blood and sweating, and a few other things... anyway, came back from hospital diagnosed with TB (Tuberculosis).

    For those in other countries, TB is almost illiminated in Great Britain, and children are routinely immunised (including my flat mate) but there are still 7000 cases a year here. It has 99% successfull treatment rate and yet worldwide still claims 2 million lives.

    Anyway, I went straight to the hospital for x-rays and... amazingly (as I seem to catch every cold and flu bug going around), I don't have it. At least I am showing no signs of it but have to get some further tests done twice over during the next 6 weeks while my flat mate is being treated.

    So, some part of my system is working properly anyway. I'm glad my poor flat mate has finally found out what is wrong and can get it fixed.

  • MerryMagdalene

    (((((Ballistic))))) My very best to both of you!!!!!! Very upsetting indeed. I hope you stay in the clear!


  • Aude_Sapere

    That is a bit of a shocker.

    Stay well.


  • Aude_Sapere

    (double post)

  • ballistic

    Yeah thanks - just needed to tell someone. There is some worry on my part, but my cranky, dry and extremely ironic humour is saying, well at least I have someone to spend christmas with! lol

  • greendawn

    Fortunately we live at a time when medical science can effectively deal with such problems, and imagine Rutherford was dead against medical science because supposedly it had pagan Egyptian origins.

    Most people that die of TB live in poor countries that can't afford proper health care.

    I wish it all turns out well for your friend.

  • ballistic

    Yeah - you are right, isn't it wrong that we can't treat people worldwide for TB. Here we are, a group of people who survived the mindset of a 6 million strong group - and yet a third of that number die each year from a stupid cureable disease. grrrrr!

  • greendawn

    Unfortunately those who die of TB are only a tiny fraction of the total of those that suffer an easily preventable death from a range of diseases.In some poor countries the average lifespan is under 50 years.

  • juni

    I wish the best for your friend, Ballistic. Have a good Holiday. Juni~~~~~~~~

  • serendipity

    ((( Ball.))) & (((Ball's friend))).

    Ballistic, I hope your friend has a speedy recovery. And I hope you don't get it. Take care!

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