Post something wierd......anything!

by Why Georgia 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    Those are fantastically horrible! How come I never see any of those in real life!


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Under74 -

    Are you battling me for the most disfunctional family award again? LOL!

    I'm sorry about your cousin...but I wish I could be there for that!

    Here is my funeral story....

    My best friend in high school's grandmother died. She was one of the coolest ladies I ever had the pleasure to spend time with...taught me how to make lasagna the real Italian way.

    She loved baseball and wanted the last song at her funeral to be Take Me Out To The Ballgame....after the song was playing best friends stupid aunt came up to my best friends Mom and said....So now are we taking Mom to the baseball game? Do they have enough seats for us all? Who's carrying the coffin? Best friends mom said .......You are sofa king stupid how did we let you live all these years.

    Best friend and I almost peed our pants laughing.


  • under74

    Thanks Chrystal, I'm sorry about my cousin too. He was a kind and decent person...and I'm not sure what happened.

    Am I battling you for the most dysfunction? NO...BUT I'd win hands down. You're funeral story is pretty funny though :)

  • deeskis


    did anyone else get a virus message when following MsMcDucket's Jim Carey pic. Norton Antivirus said that it deleted a trojan from the site. If you don't have this protection then you should check that your computer is ok.

    the pic was funny though............still love Jim Carey!


    Dorayakii: That is so true. I remember cracking up when Billy Connolly discussed something similar on one of his of the tangent jumps. - how do I send this clip to my friends without directing them to this thread. (too weird for most of them!!!) i tried right clicking on the clip to "save target as......", but that didn't work.

    cheers D

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Kitty -

    That video was freaky! That guy will be in my nightmares forever! I did google said he had Polio....sorry for that but he is still scary as hell!


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