Are Jehovah's Witnesses parasites?

by moshe 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Elsewhere
    Are you sayin that the WTS is the ONLY Org. that doesnt pay taxes? If not couldnt you say the same for the rest who dont? JW pays taxes.

    Yes. Unless a tax-exempt organization is providing tangible and meaningful resources to the community, I think they should have their tax-exempt status revoked.

    "Preaching" or "Teaching" (bible studies) that only serves to increase the number of members, in my opinion, is NOT at all charitable in nature and is in fact selfish and only benefits the organization doing the "preaching".

    If the organization spends the vast majority of their funding to benefit the communality in a tangible and meaningful way, such as building hospitals, schools, food banks, etc, then yes, they should be tax exempt.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    D'fd I have challenged many JWs to SHOW ME THE MONEY when it comes to these supposed JW societal charities. I could give you actual phone numbers and addresses of places you could go all over the world for help from legitamate Christian chrities. Go look on the Official JW website for yourself and get all these charity contacts you seem to believe are there. Charity is not some obscure claim but an easily contacted group or association which the Watchtower has none. The last time I tried tro find a JW sponsered charity I found two obscure references to what a "congregation" did to help someone out. And then usually not outsiders but other JWs. Not a penny leaves Bethel for charity without some kind of kickback expected, please prove me wrong. I'd like to think the religion that almost screwed up my life for good had some redeeming quality. Please no "JWs don't let thier left hand know what thier right is doing" crap. Charity doesn't work that way when you are dealing with thousands to millions of dollars.

    JWs pay no taxes and is a CURSE on society.

  • carla


    I don't need to be jw to see that they do not help their fellow man, there should certainly be a paper trail somewhere if they did. There is no papertrail for cargo planes, ships, putting water in villages, putting up schools that teach all faiths,soup kitchens, caring for orphans or any other charitable works you can think of. If there is I'm sure I would be happy to correct my stance on jw's and charity. I'm sure there are thousands upon thousands who would be interested in the same info. Once again you speak without being able to back up anything.

    Am I biased? You bet. I live the life of what jw's can do to a family and the relationships within. I see the pain it has caused my children and myself and other relatives. And I guess unlike you, I sypathize and actually am capable of shedding tears over some of the real human wreckage stories I read, all responsibility lies squarely with the wt. Empathy, a word jw's seem unfamilar with.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    corection; Individual JWs may pay taxes if they have to, (otherwise they would be advised against it by Mothah Watchtower) but the WTBTS pays NO taxes when they most certainly should be.

    Churches are tax exempt and normaly provide very well for community needs because they are the pulse of the community. The WTBTS provides NOTHING for any community except a worthless magazine, brainwashed depressed workers never knowing the awesome grace of God, and congo members that are not allowed to provide any kind of social input, be it commitees, city sponsered charitees, local soroptomist type groups, city festivals parade assistant, scholarships donations, support for returning troups for military communities, I can go on and on. You see, normal American society historicaly has been faith based/secular groups making it all good. WTBTS is niether.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    A little cognitive dissonence and Carla gets negated.

    Flowers for Carla

    {{{{{{{{{D'fd}}}}}}}}} sorry if I get a little emotional about this. I'm still dealing with anger that gets triggered here.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    If I had someone like that come to me asking for money, I would first LMAO at them, then I'd call them a fcking MORON and then slam the door

    LOL ok next time one comes by I'm calling you and handing them the phone. .

  • carla

    Thanks Apostate Kate.

  • stopthepain

    Dfed---your response proves how truly brainwashed you are.Thats all I can say.They rob people emotionally,financially,spiritually,and they give NOTHING BACK.Unless you call there regurgated simple 5th grade publications "giving back".STP

  • moshe

    Wow , lot's of good examples! Ever notice how defensive JW's get when the topic of charity comes up. They know deep down that their organization is a sham when it comes to helping the poor. I forget, the reason why the stopped charging for sandwiches at Assembly's, was it to keep a tax exempt status? They still expect DONATIONS don't they! They don't pass out free sandwiches outside to the poor and homeless, that's for sure. I remember an elder bragging in the old days how much profit they made from food service, drinks, popcorn,etc.


  • Ingenuous
    Will take blood components, but not donate their own blood.

    I guess I should start donating - someone's gotta make up for all the blood JWs use!

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