Looking for some advice

by MuadDib 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • MuadDib

    Wow. Thanks very much for all the replies. I guess the slow fade tactic is a possibility since I'm fairly well along in it already (I grew a BEARD(!!!) two years ago, saw no service last month and no meetings attended in close to a month). I do, however, think that I really need to make a clean break of it, if only for the sake of my own mental health. This attenutated stress is getting close to overwhelming - a function of the behavioural conditioning, I guess. I got to cut it off.

    I really wish there was some way to conclude a total separation without the possibility of a disfellowshipment, but that seems the more likely scenario, knowing these people. The thing of it is that I think I could sell the fam on a disassociation - they're actually pretty level-headed underneath the typical JW overlay; my parents are both educated people and I think there was always an expectation that I would be as well. It just led me down a different path, I guess. A disfellowship, though... ostracism is a very effective tool in any social circle. That would be terrible.

    Thanks again for the support and advice, everybody. I want a clean break, but maybe you're right and the slow dropout would be better... we'll see. I'll stick around and let you guys know what's going on. Shit, I should have taken my sister's route and just not bothered with the whole baptism thing.

    P.S. - Yeah, I'm a pretty big Dune fan - read the whole series back to back a couple of years ago. It really opened my mind and I've thought in a slightly different way ever since, I think. There's always somebody out there who recognizes the name eventually. :)

  • defd

    You want some advise. Dont smoke weed. The problemis not with the Witness but with YOU and the lack of desire to do what is right in Jehovahs eyes.

    Three months later I smoked my first joint - all uphill from there. discovered fun and girls


  • MuadDib

    "The problem is with me." I would expect nothing less from a committed JW. Do yourself a favour, man, and quit hating on yourself. You're not a bad person for wanting to be normal.

  • defd

    Smoking weed is NORMAL?

  • defd

    You are typical of many people who leave. They blame the people and the WTBTS, when in fact it is there OWN fault because they do not want to live in accord with Bible standards and princibles.

    Smoked my first joint!


  • MuadDib

    I'm not blaming anybody for anything - where did you get that from? That things are the way they are is nobody's fault. I do think, however, that I am typical of many people who leave in that free-thinking individuals have no time for the type of behaviour control and thought modification practiced by the Jehovoh's.

    Your tactic of trying to shame and belittle people into changing their minds only serves to prove my every point. It's nice to be right: thanks for contributing.

  • defd

    Your tactic of trying to shame and belittle people into changing their minds

    Thats not my intentions at all. Obviously you have no love for Jehovah. Just pointing out your REAL reason for leaving not the lame excuse you gave!


  • Es

    hi and welcome to the board.

    I know how you feel ive been there done that, but it gets easier belive me....i am almost welcoming getting caught and getting D\F it feels so right now. And as for my fam well its there loss not mine i would welcome them into my life its there dec to not want to be a part of it.

    All the best look forward to hearing more

    and DFED i think your coments were a little off putting, do you think "Jehovah" would want you on this board talking to us???? Do you think thats right in "Jehovah's " eyes. Sometimes it seems one rule for you and one rule for others.You hand out advice bout Jehovah and the Organisation and yet you yourself dont even follow it all


  • defd

    and DFED i think your coments were a little off putting

    What do you mean es? Can I be frank and honest along with everyone else in here?

  • Es

    yes you can but who are you to say tht people reasons for leaving are "excuses" and lame at that. How do you know why he left or why any of us left and who are you to say they are lame excuses es

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