what would u ask????

by theinfamousone 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • theinfamousone

    if you were to come face to face with God tomorrow, what would you ask him/her/it????

    i know its probably been done before, but ive really been thinking about this lately...

    i would ask him why he allows so many bad things to happen??? why are there kids starving to death in africa, whilest i can eat and eat and eat till im sick??? why is there so much pain and disease and sorrow?? why does he allow religion to cause so much dissention between people??? why doesnt he just make it obvious that he exists, cuz right now, i dont think he does???? and why is this world that he created such a piece of shit hell hole??

    and i would not buy the adam and eve bullshit...

    the infamous one

  • prophecor

    Hello Infamous One, I never really gave thought to questioning God before, Job did it and got quite an earfull, however, since you asked, below are a few questions I would ask of the Almighty.

    Respectfully disappointed I would inquire:

    Are you going to hold humanity responsible for our actions or in-action, when we weren't given all the necessary information to make an informed decision regarding our choices in life? Especially as it concerns religion, spirituality, human nature, human desire and human failings?

    Should we have been expected to come away any more than we did with the condition of the human heart as you say is bad from our youth up? There were so many roads to go down. We were only human. Was it really necessary for things to come to this? What were you trying to prove by waiting this long to fix everything?

    Can I get a second chance?

  • Confession

    Are you going to hold humanity responsible for our actions or in-action, when we weren't given all the necessary information to make an informed decision regarding our choices in life?

    There were so many roads to go down. We were only human.

    Prophecor, your post resonated with me so much. The amount of religious confusion and the intense outside pressure placed on many to "agree with us or be destroyed" makes it difficult for me to believe that God will bring us to ruination for not finding precisely the right path.

    And our view is not an attempt to shirk responsibility. The world is filled with many individuals who are convinced a God created them--and just want to know what He wants of them.

  • prophecor
    The amount of religious confusion and the intense outside pressure placed on many to "agree with us or be destroyed" makes it difficult for me to believe that God will bring us to ruination for not finding precisely the right path.

    I'm pleased to know we agree. It just doesn't seem fair that Almighty God, whoever God may be, would hold us entirely responsible for or choice or better yet our not choosing a religious leaning. There are so many other truths that exist beyond the Bible. The Quran has so much wisdom in it that I refuse to associate it with being written merely by men, or the belief that those who wrote it were under the influence of some type of evil spirit.

    The teachings of the Orient, or Eastern philosophy is teeming with truth, of which I believe we would do better as humans by incorporating some of that same energy into our often Western led lifestyle and religion.

    And our view is not an attempt to shirk responsibility. The world is filled with many individuals who are convinced a God created them--and just want to know what He wants of them.

    I recognise that I need to take responsibility for acquiring knowledge and understanding regarding my connect with the creator, my " Making Peace With God ". With all that we as humans have against us in the form of tyranical, superficial and supersticious religious teachings, I only hope that the Almighty is beyond fair as he deals with those who are mere flesh, the dust of the earth. I don't think I could or even desire to serve the Almighty in any venue if that were not the case.

  • Confession

    At times in this forum, I've written about a childhood dream I had. I would envision the faces of some of my school friends. Then at once I would see their flesh melt away, leaving only their skulls. I'm so intrigued by it to this day when I consider how unusually abstract and symbolic it was. It was not as if I was literally seeing fire consume them in in a kicking, screaming Armageddon scene. I pretty much just remember static face scenes--then their corresponding skulls. Yes, my mind's symbol of how Jehovah would kill my school friends.

    I remember thinking, "So Jehovah's really going to kill them? Just because they don't listen to us he's going to kill them?"

    I wondered if Jehovah couldn't just help things a bit by giving people a really obvious sign that we were His people--so they would listen to us. But, no, apparently Jehovah wanted to keep things fairly cryptic.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

  • Evanescence
    whilest i can eat and eat and eat till im sick???

    An interesting saying would be "There is enough for everyones needs, but not enough for everyones greed"

    Why wait until you see God to ask these questions? You can ask these questions to him now through prayer, and search for the answers.


  • Evanescence
    At times in this forum, I've written about a childhood dream I had. I would envision the faces of some of my school friends. Then at once I would see their flesh melt away, leaving only their skulls. I'm so intrigued by it to this day when I consider how unusually abstract and symbolic it was. It was not as if I was literally seeing fire consume them in in a kicking, screaming Armageddon scene. I pretty much just remember static face scenes--then their corresponding skulls. Yes, my mind's symbol of how Jehovah would kill my school friends.

    A dream that you get in your sleep? Do you still get these dreams?


  • jstalin

    I would ask this:

    "Are you so insecure that you'll only hang out with people who worship you?"

  • Crumpet

    jstalin - that is almost to the word what i was about to type.

    my next question would be - what punishment do you think is fitting for you, my lord?

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