WTB&TS Stymies Emotional Growth!

by Golf 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    They do poison their followers emotional world with concepts like the stern, severe and demanding jehovah, they terrorise emotionally their members with such powerful and wild authority figures.

    In addition there is no real love, acceptance and warmth in the artificial JW environment to promote emotional development. Being a multinational business out for profit the WTS can't possibly promote love.

  • Golf

    Good point greendawn. Businesses make money. The org. uses their reasoning by saying money is used to expand Kingdom interest, really? Yet, their adherents are emotionally bankrupt! The nerve of them to say they have international brotherly love, what an insult.................................... (fill in your descriptive words.)


  • greendawn

    Golf, it is strange that this multibillion dollar company does nothing by way of charity to help their needy but provenly loyal members, if they did that would create a positive emotional environment.

    The R&F that noted this no doubt, will imitate that anally tight example and any admonitions by the GB to be generous and loving towards the brothers will sound hollow and be ignored: if those playing with billions of dollars don't help why should we?

    They may assign some profits to their preaching but how much? They own so much property around the world they probably don't even know how much they have got.

    This is an organisation of tight jerks.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    This is an organisation of tight jerks

    You are so right there Greendawn, some of the meanest people I have ever known are jws.

    And of course, they don't give anything unconditionally, especially love.

  • Golf

    Greendawn, how about all the 'wills' (estates) of their adherents that was left in their name?


  • stillajwexelder

    how about all the 'wills' (estates) of their adherents that was left in their name?

    Ah yes Golf but that is donating/leaving in wills money back to mother WTBTS - they are not charitable to anybody outside the faith and are in general tight wads in restaurants and leave the smallest tip they can get away with

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Stilla, do you actually know jws who leave tips? I have never seen one do that, though I have done it myself on occasion and been sort of counselled, told to give my money to the wt if I have any to spare.

    I wouldn't say jws are the worst people I have associated with, but they are certainly the tightest.

  • greendawn

    This org made most of its capital in two ways 1 by having unpaid slaves to produce and distribute its enormous quantities of literature and 2 by having its members donate to them money, property, or other assets while they are alive or after they die.

    Stilla, I don't think they are really charitable even to their own.

  • Finally-Free
    Stilla, I don't think they are really charitable even to their own.

    I agree. I've never seen JWs help anyone in the congregation when there was a need unless the person was popular or related to an elder. People who came in alone as converts were, for the most part, left to fend for themselves when in need. Even on a social level, converts didn't find friends in the congregation unless they were wealthy.


  • stillajwexelder

    I was trying not to be totally negative about JWs - but I stick to my comment - in general -- tehy are tight wads - so emotional growth is stunted because they are never able to GIVE, GIVE, GIVE and get the joy from it. I personally enjoy tipping a waitress/bartender i I have had a good meal and good service. I also do not want to post too far off-topic!

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